According to world health organisation (WHO) INFERTILITY- is a couple failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more time period of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.
CAUSES for both :-
- Infection
- diabetes mellitus
- thyroid disorder
- other hormonal imbalance
- Fallopian tubal block
- Un-ovulatory cycle
- Pelvic inflammatory diseases
- Uterine fibroids
- Advanced maternal age (above 35)
- Azoospermia - zero sperm count
- Oligospermia - low sperm count
- Asthenospermia - low motility of sperms
- Low Libido - failure to achieve proper excitement.
Males & Females both are equally responsible for infertility.
Do testicular examination regular from childhood for Undescended Testis & Testicular Atrophy if any problems related to menstrual cycle / periods do consult doctor before condition leads to infertility.sexual intercourse should be in ovulation period from day 10 to day 18 of period only. it will increase chances of getting pregnant.consult doctor if failure to achieve pregnancy within 6 months of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.