Do you love to eat potatoes then probably potato juice might just be another favorite on your list now. It is a Savoir for your body to make it even more healthy. There are so many reasons why drinking potato juice can help you 

1) Potato juice contains over hundred per cent of the daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C which helps the body to absorb Iron and form collagen in the blood vessels, muscles, cartilage and bones.

2) It has antioxidant properties, which improves the overall skin texture and helps to reduce puffiness, irritation and gives a youthful glow to the skin.

3) Do you know that 1 cup serving of potato contains around 40% of the daily requirement of Vitamin B1 and Vitamin B3 intake. Raw potato juice helps to maintain and support the brain functions and nervous system functions. It promotes healthy hair and skin and helps maintain a healthy liver.

4) Potato juice has iron which helps to fight fatigue. One cup serving of this miracle juice of potato can help supply around 14% of your daily recommended intake of iron.

5) It Is full of calcium. Your blood would not clot and your teeth and bones wouldn't be strong if you do not have calcium; hence 1 cup serving of Potato juice helps around 5% of your daily requirement of calcium.

6) Potato juice also contains Vitamin K, antioxidants and Zinc. So potato juice is a very healthy drink for the overall body and you should drink it daily to be healthy and fit.