Over a million people across the world suffer from thyroid problems. In most cases people take thyroid issues very casually. This is because people are unaware of the fact, that thyroid can be the reason behind other serious ailments. Most women undergoing treatment for female infertility have been diagnosed with severe thyroid malfunctionality. If thyroid goes untreated, it can become the greatest reason behind infertility in both men and women.
The cellular functions in our body are regulated by the thyroid hormones. The abnormality in these hormones may lead to infertility in both sexes and recurrent miscarriages in women. The Indian Thyroid Society has the opinion that nearly 70 percent of the women suffering from PMS or premenstrual syndromes are diagnosed to suffer from low thyroid levels. The low level of thyroid hormones reduces the production of progesterone giving rise to PMS symptoms in women. This has lead to thyroid testing become an integral part of the treatment for female infertility.
Hypothyroidism or under active thyroid glands that does not produce enough hormones, has been directly linked to female fertility. The low level of thyroids intervenes with ovulation and cause infertility. Moreover, hypothyroidism may also cause autoimmune or pituitary disorders and give rise to infertility in women. Standard thyroid test may not always also detect the low level of ovarian tissues. Special detection methods as the part of treatment for female fertility are required to detect whether thyroid is causing infertility or not.
Symptoms of Thyroid Abnormalities
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Muscle and joint paints
- Irregular or abnormal periods
- Sleeplessness
- Skin dryness
- Hair may become thin and coarse
- Eyebrows may shed and nails might become brittle
Women enduring these symptoms must get in touch with a doctor and go for TSH. However, hypothyroidism can be controlled with thyroid supplements that can restore fertility. It is advisable to keep monitoring the thyroid levels at regular intervals and continue the prescribed medication. This is important even you are considering a treatment for female infertility.
Tips to overcome thyroid problems:
- Losing weight and lowering the level of stress
- 30 minutes daily walk and avoiding elevators
- Consulting doctor immediately if any of the above mentioned symptoms are felt or seen
A healthy and active lifestyle, balanced diet and regular checkups will keep your thyroids glands performing well.