The transverse abdominis will be the final pillar in the integrated web of functional posture.  As mentioned before, this specific muscle will only function in the context of the lumbo-pelvic and thoracic structures being  in their functional positions.  Once those to systems have been covered, TVA function will now be a capable of awakening from its dormancy.  To ensure that this awakening does happen, it will also be crucial to integrate the diaphragm into our neutral standing position.  

The expansion of the rib cage will be the final stage is setting the restrictive forces of thoracic flexion via the upper abdominals into a state of relaxation, enabling the TVA to integrate the lower and upper body as one system.  Once these 3 pillars are integrated as one system, the majority of physical imbalance will begin to re-associate into functionality.  I would define this as being the foundational root to addressing 90 percent (a subjective estimate) of imbalance in the body.  

This means that anterior pelvic tilts, ankle pronations/supinations, asymmetrical weight shifts, knee imbalances, rotator cuff imbalances, cervical protractions, cervical asymmetries, scapular wings, etc. will be addressed by achieving an integration of these 3 pillars.  When we analyze a body that is flimsy as it is in movement, the joint structures in the body are bound to compensate.  If we analyze a body that is stable at its foundation, there will be no need for the imbalances just aforementioned.  A structure sound at its base will only produce efficiency.