The 3 Pillars  of HUMAN BODY Posture

The neutral standing position represents optimal posture.  In this position we are recruiting the musculature that will effectively keep the body in an upright position.  The simultaneous activation of the Transverse Abdominis, Pelvic Floor, and Thoracic Spine musculature will be the pillars to a stable posture. 

 It is these muscles acting as one system that will be the base point to all human movement.  Training the muscles to integrate in the standing position will set the tone for their integrated use when performing dynamic functional movements.  Most people in our current culture are completely out of touch with the use of these 3 pillars of effective posture.  

As it has been mentioned before, the sedentary elements of our culture coupled with repetitive stress patterns are the root cause of why these 3 pillars are completely dormant.  Since the body is morphed into a seated position, it will elicit those traits when standing.  As soon as a dysfunctional body goes into movement, it will also associate the muscle stress adaptations made when seated.   This means that the movements made in reality will be limited to the range of motions elicited when in a seated position.   The only way to address these problems is at their nucleus is via the change of integrated neuro-muscular activation.   The Myofascial release stage in this book will partially address deficient structural integration by releasing restrictive musculature; however it will be limited as it does not account for the activation necessary to keep the entire kinetic chain in place.  The only way to solve this problem is by involving the direct application of integrated muscular recruitment.  Since the nervous system ties in with muscular activity, we will have to wire in the 3 pillars of posture via the use of integrated corrective exercise.  By using integrated corrective exercise, we will wire in function by communicating with the body in a manner in which will impact real change.  

Although this method of corrective exercise is similar to that of current systems in a general sense, there is a fundamental flaw in their current methodology.   The problem with current corrective exercise systems is their failure to understand that muscles cannot act in isolation from the rest of the body.  Every time one muscle initiates a contraction, there is a neuro-signal that goes into the rest of the kinetic chain which then communicates an integrated neuromuscular association.  

This would indicate that every time you do a commonly used “corrective exercise”, you could be creating a bigger problem in the integrated cycle with the rest of the body.  This is especially true if you fail to implement the exercise from a point of real efficiency.  

For instance, if we were to repeatedly train the scapular region without functional use of the intrinsic core stabilization system (eventually wiring it in as a pattern), it’s likely that every time we applied scapular activity in real life, our  body would associate the same neuro-signals.  This is the crucial element of physical conditioning even the most advanced training systems have failed to address. This also proves to be the main reason as to why they are limited in terms of application to real life situations.  

When one muscle fires, the rest of the body responds as a communicated effort to structurally integrate the body.  In essence the body thinks it is one muscle.  The scary aspect of this thought is that it is difficult to know which associations are efficient.  One can live a lifetime not knowing when they are wiring dysfunction every time they take a step.  Fortunately for the human species, the of integrated corrective exercise will cover the fundamental elements of addressing this exact problem.