The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) is a scale intended to measure daytime sleepiness that is measured by use of a very short questionnaire. This can be helpful in diagnosing sleep disorders in people complaining of snoring during sleep. It was introduced in 1991 by Dr Murray Johns of Epworth Hospital in Melbourne, Australia.
This questionnaire asks you to rate your probability of falling asleep on a scale of increasing probability from 0 to 3 for EIGHT different situations that most people engage in during their daily lives, though not necessarily every day. The scores for the eight questions are added together to obtain a single number.
A number in the 0–9 range is considered to be NORMAL while a number in the 10–24 range is considered to be ABNORMAL which indicates that expert medical advice need to be taken.
How to SCORE the increasing PROBABILITY of DOZING:
- 0 = no chance of dozing
- 1 = slight chance of dozing
- 2 = moderate chance of dozing
- 3 = high chance of dozing
SCORING finally according to following situations:
- Sitting and reading
- Watching TV
- Sitting inactive in a public place (e.g a theater or a meeting)
- As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break
- Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit
- Sitting and talking to someone
- Sitting quietly after a lunch without alcohol
- In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic
Total your SCORE and JUDGE your PROBABILITY for Snoring Related Health Problem.