The correct technique according to Maharshi Patanjali

The Sun Salutation is one of the most common dynamic yoga poses today. There are many different approaches to it. Today we want to share with you the traditional Hatha Surya Namaskara. Surya comes from the Sanskrit and means sun. Namaskara stands for salutation. According to traditional Hatha Yoga, the purpose of the Surya Namaskara is to salute to the Lord Sun. 

Practical guide:-

  1.  Come to the top of your mat and close your feet together. Stand straight and open your chest. Your hands should be open, facing your thighs. Now inhale deeply and as you exhale, bring your palms together in front of your chest in pranamasana (Namasté)
  • Now inhale, raise your arms up and slightly arch back from the middle of your back.(Hastottanasana)
  • Exhale and bend forward, bring your hands next to your feet. Try to keep your knees active and legs straight. (padahastasana)
  • On your next inhalation, bring your right leg behind into horse riding pose (ashwa sanchalanasana).
  • As you exhale, bring your left leg behind into mountain pose (parvatasana). Here, keep your feet close together. Try to touch your heels on the mat and at the same time straighten your legs. 
  • Hold your breath, drop your knees, chest, and chin onto the ground (ashtanga namaskar). 8 parts of your body should touch onto the mat: chin, chest, palms, knees, and feet.
  • As you inhale, push yourself up into cobra (bhujangasana).
  • On your next exhalation, go back into mountain pose.(Parvatasana)
  • Inhale, bring your right leg to the top of the mat horse riding pose(ashwa sanchalanasana).
  • Exhale, close your left leg together with the right one. (padahastasana)
  • Take a deep inhalation and raise your arms up. Arch back. (Hasta Utthanasana)
  • Exhale, release your hands into namaste. (Pranam asana).

  • Now do the same routine, starting with the left leg. That will complete 1 round.

     According to the ancient scriptures (Patanjali, Hatha Pradipika), this is the correct way of practicing the Surya Namaskara- Sun Salutation.It is important to note that ideally this practice should be done between 6-8AM on an empty stomach. 

    A regular practice of Surya Namaskara removes extra weight, increases the blood circulation and tones all muscles and organs.

    It is recommended to practice six to thirty-six rounds of Surya Namaskar every morning.Surya Namaskar is one of the most important Yoga Asanas which not only helps you grow your physical and mental health but also helps you understand Yoga on a deeper level.

    For any assistance please 


    By Dr.Anand kumar Singh,