Paneer is the rich source of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins, minerals and protein which are required by the body in high proportions for healthy growth and development.

Some of the health benefits of cheese include:

  • Relief from hypertension and osteoporosis
  • It  helps in maintaining bone health
  • It helps to gain weight
  • It also helps in dental care

Forages, cheese has been part and parcel of daily life in Europe, the Americas, Australia and nearly every country of the world that has a cold climate, except certain countries in the Indian Subcontinent and the Middle Eastern region. That being said, India and some of its neighbouring countries have been using a slightly different form of cheese which is commonly known as “cottage cheese” or “paneer” for generations.

1. Bone Health

Apart from having a very high calcium content, cheese is also rich in vitamin-B, which is very good for children, women (particularly when pregnant or lactating) and elderly people, for the formation and strengthening of bones and cartilage. The vitamin-B in cheese aids to the proper absorption and distribution of calcium.

2.  Good source of protein

Perhaps common knowledge by now, but paneer is a good source of protein especially for vegetarians who do not get their intake from meat products. 100 gm of paneer yields about 18 gm of protein which is good for people who weight train as they need protein for muscle building and repair. Apart from this, proteins are loaded with a wide range of health benefits.