The gluteus medius originates at the top portion of the lateral surface of the ilium and inserts into the greater trochanter of the femur.  The gluteus medius is a muscle that is overactive due to poor function happening in the gluteus maximus.  Since the hip flexor complex has associated so much neural activity as well as fascial restrictions, it has rendered the gluteus maximus into a position where efficient contraction is no longer capable.  

Since the gluteus maximus has now become impaired in its optimal function (hip extension), it will then rely upon a backup response when it goes into movement.  The backup response in this scenario is hip external rotation.  This repositioning of the femurs will now translate to different functions happening in the gluteus medius.  In ideal circumstances, the gluteus medius will function primarily in lateral movement.

However, when the femurs are rotated outwardly, it leads the gluteus medius to compensate in extension for the gluteus maximus.  This movement will be more of a hip abduction type movement as the gluteus medius’ primary function is not extension. This is what will overload this muscle and often times has direct relations to imbalance oriented problems like sciatica.  Releasing this muscle will be absolutely crucial if we want to re-introduce primary functionality back into the gluteus maximus.  

Asymmetries are also directly tied in with the gluteus medius.  Often times when that issue is usually conjoined with the tight quadratus lumborum.  With that said, the origin of those asymmetries will go right back inefficient core activity in the transverse abdominis.  When the TVA does not fire correctly, that is when you will get the laterally flexed movements from the gluteus medius and quadratus lumborum.


Since the gluteus medius is a small muscle we will use a lacrosse ball. It will be placed just inferior of the top surface of ilium and just lateral of the centerline. From there you will rotate the pelvis in a fashion that will move the lacrosse ball to the lateral border of the pelvis almost to the anterior portion of the body.