Are you tired of shaving, plucking, or waxing? Do you get razor bumps or acne-like breakouts when you get rid of unwanted hair? If so, you may want to consider laser hair removal.

Dermatologists use lasers to remove unwanted facial and body hair safely and effectively. Thanks to advances in technology, most people can safely have laser hair removal.

Removing the unwanted hair often requires a few office visits. Most patients need between 2 to 6 treatments. Afterwards, most patients are free of the unwanted hair for several months. When the hair regrows, most patients see noticeably less hair than before. The hair also tends to be finer and lighter in color.

Laser hair removal can be repeated when the hair regrows.

What dermatologists treat: The lasers designed for hair removal can be used on most parts of the body. Many lasers effectively treat large areas. Laser hair removal can treat the:

  • Back
  • Bikini area
  • Chest
  • Face, especially the upper lip and chin
  • Neck
  • Shoulders

Insurance coverage: Insurance does not cover laser hair removal. 

To help you decide whether this treatment is right for you, you should review the following facts.


Laser hair removal can be dangerous in inexperienced hands. Burns, permanent changes to your skin color, and scars can occur. You can greatly reduce the risk of possible side effects by having your treatment performed by a medical doctor who is extremely skilled in using lasers and has in-depth knowledge of the skin. 

The AAD recommends that you choose a certified dermatologist to perform laser treatments.

What must you do after getting laser hair removal?

To avoid possible side effects, all patients need to protect their skin from the sun. After laser hair removal, you should:

  • Avoid direct sunlight from hitting your treated skin.
  • Not use a tanning bed, sun lamp, or any other indoor tanning equipment.
  • Follow your dermatologist’s after-care instructions.

You will see some redness and swelling after treatment. This often looks like a mild sunburn. Applying a cool compress can help reduce your discomfort.

Is there downtime?

No, laser hair removal generally does not require any real downtime. Immediately after having laser hair removal, your treated skin will be red and swollen. Despite this, most people return to their everyday activities.

When will I see the results after having laser hair removal?

You will likely see the results immediately after treatment. The results vary from patient to patient. The color and thickness of your hair, area treated, type of laser used, and color of your skin all affects the results. You can expect a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after the first treatment.

To remove the hair, most patients need 2 to 6 laser treatments. After finishing the treatments, most patients do not see any hair on the treated skin for several months or even years. When the hair regrows, there tends to be less of it. The hairs also tend to be finer and lighter in color.

How long will the results of laser hair removal last?

Most patients remain hair free for months or even years. When some of the hair regrows, it will likely be less noticeable. To keep the area free of hair, a patient may need maintenance laser treatments.

What are the possible side effects?

The most common side effects are minor and last 1 to 3 days. These side effects include:

  • Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Redness