Healthy weight loss isn’t just about diet. It’s about changes in ongoing lifestyle that includes long-term changes in daily eating and exercise habits. Shift your goal from “losing weight” to “attaining health” , as only this motto helps you fully reach at your goal.
Ideal healthy weight loss. Are you on right path???
- Improvement in mood and state of well being.
- Good Inch Loss , you fit in back to your old diet.
- Increased Energy Levels and feel stronger.
- More muscle strength .
- Reduction in craving
- No immediate weight gain.
- Being nutritionally complete.
- Feeling satisfied after eating.
- Can go a long time without eating or being hungry.
- Help prevent common health concerns, like heart disease and diabetes.
- Be safe and pose no long-term health risks.
- No meal replacement drinks.
- No artificial supplements. (Natural Supplements are ignored )
- Role of supplements : Only in case of extensive deficiency or for supporting hormones.
What are Common mistakes we do in weight loss ???
- Unrealistic expectations.
- Focusing only on number of "kg" Reduction, thats the biggest mistake .
- Unhealthy exercise pattern.
- Thinking "Its not working for me ".
- Thinking of short term benefit.
- Hidden sugar .
- Calorie concept.
- Vigorous fasting .
- Forcing yourself to eat the food you hate without desensitisation .
- Weighing yourself too often.
- Improper sleep due unhealthy food .
- Supplement overload.
- Eating too much fruit.
- Not giving time to adjust yourself.
- Understand your body and body response first.
- No exercise or exercise too much.
- Not including balanced protein , fat and fiber .
No matter if it is 5 to 10 percent of your total body weight is lost but if it is likely to produce health benefits, such as improvements in blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and blood sugars. Why not opt for it ?
To know more details and direct feedback, schedule a consultation.
Dr. Jasna Sushanth B.H.M.S, MSc ( Nutriton and Dietetics )
Value Life Homeopathy & Weight Management Clinic
Ph: +91 8904068859