- Choose not to eat the bread or fried stuff while you wait for food to come.

- Try to eat a little snack before you go to dinner like crunchy fresh vegetables, fruit or unsalted nuts.

- Opt greens - choose salads over eating large meals.

- Dress your salad smartly- use low-fat or vinaigrette dressings rather than creamy ones like mayonnaise.

- Choose healthy cooked food like ask for steamed, grilled, broiled or baked foods instead of sautéed or fried options on the menu, and salads or steamed vegetables instead of heavy side dishes like French fries.

- Always manage the portions; don't eat big portions because of taste.

- Try to select fruits as dessert, if possible. Avoid the heavy, sugar.

- rich desserts at the end of a meal.

- Remember to stop eating when you begin to feel full instead of binge eating because of taste.

- Always try to eat before 8 pm and make out time to take a pleasant walk.