What is Cervical Spondylitis & Spondylos?

Cervical Spondylitis is an arthritic condition in a group of the spine which causes inflammation in the joints & vertebrae. When spondylitis gets severe, joints deteriorate causing the vertebrae to fuse together.

Cervical Spondylosis is a degeneration of spine either because of osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease. Spondylosis is also caused by general wear & tear of the spine because of an incorrect posture while sitting or sleeping,  which compress vertebrae over time & deteriorates disc found between the vertebrae. Cervical spondylosis can also lead to compression of nerve which can cause severe pain in the back of the neck which can also radiate to upper limbs.

In Ayurveda, it is known as Greevasandhigatvata. Greeva means neck, sandhi means joints. Vata is Vayu.

Causes of Greevasandhigatvata

Greevasandhigatvata is a condition in which Aggravated Vata Dosha causes the degeneration of tissues and the joints of the neck & limits the mobility of the same causing the inflammation & pain.

Causes of Vata aggravation: intake of dry, cool, light, stale, and gas forming foods; having food in small quantity; fasting; having more of bitter, sour and astringent foods; sleeping at late night; smoking; stress; and overindulgence in physical, mental, and sexual activities.


  • Stiffness in the neck & shoulders
  • Pains on back of neck & shoulders
  • Headache/heaviness in head
  • Tingling & numbness in arms
  • Vertigo / nausea

Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis

Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis /Spondylitis is to eliminate the causes. At initial stage, Cervical pain is easily manageable by modifying Diet & Lifestyle.

Diet & Lifestyle Advice:

Figure out your cause of pain, whether it is indigestion, over physical/mental exertion, improper sleep, age-related degeneration or combination of any. Accordingly, change your Diet & lifestyle.

1. Take Care of your Digestion: indigestion causes aggravation of Vata.

  • Eat easily digestible food prepared in natural oil (non-refined oil), drink vegetable soup.
  • Increase intake of methi, garlic, ajwain & Hing.
  • Avoid Animal Products, refined flour, grams, kidney beans, Dry packaged food items and other foods which are hard to digest & can cause flatulence.

2. Relax your Mind & Body: Exertion aggravates Swelling & pain.

  • Do gentle neck exercises.
  • Avoid physical Exertion & mental stress.
  • Avoid using electronic Gadgets half an hour before sleep.
  • Go to bed early for proper sleep.

3. Body oiling: oiling pacifies Vata & increases flexibility.

Make a habit of gentle body massage with lukewarm mustard/ sesame oil.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis

Ayurveda treatment focuses on Root Cause of disease. In case of Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis, best advice is Vata Shamak medicines & Panchakarma therapies. Ayurvedic medicines & therapy gives the following benefits:

  • Pacifies the aggravated Vata Dosha
  • Reduces pain
  • Reduces stiffness
  • Regains mobility
  • Improves flexibility
  • Increases blood supply
  • Releases nerve compression

Panchakarma Therapies for Cervical Spondylosis/ Spondylitis

1. Greeva Vasti: Greeva means neck; Vasti means to hold.

Pool or compartment is constructed over the back of the neck using Urad dal or gram flour and then hot medicated oils are poured into it for a particular duration of time.

Benefits: It gives magical relief from pain & stiffness. Hot medicated oil increases the lubrication and regains mobility & increases flexibility.

Time duration: 20 min /session

2. Nasyam: The nose is the direct pathway through which prana (life force) enters the body. Nasya involves the administration of herbal oils through the nasal passage.

Benefits: Nasyam helps to cleanse all the channels & improves the flow of prana. Nasya is a very important treatment for cervical spondylosis as it releases the obstructed Vayu, detoxify above shoulder body & strengthens the neck & shoulder muscles.

Time duration: 10 min/ session

3. Abhyangam: Ayurveda massage with medicated oil gives on back, shoulders, neck & head.

Benefits: Abhyanga helps to increase blood flow by clearing all the channels, releases stiffness, enhances lubrication, thus increases mobility.

Time duration: 15 min/session

4. Swedana: Swedana is a procedure to induce sweating. It can be done by medicated steam or by Hot Potli fomentation.

Benefits: Releases the ama (toxins) through sweat. Cleanse the channels, increases the blood supply.

Time duration: 10 min/session