Not only does winter affect your skin it also causes problems for your hair. Therefore, it’s time to talk about winter hair care.

  • Eat healthy because every strand of hair speaks of your inner health. Stay well hydrated by drinking at least 2.5 liter of water on a daily basis. Include healthy fats i.e. omega-3: walnuts, olive oil, fish, flax seeds, etc in your diet to help thicken your hair. Choose wholegrain over refined, eat lean proteins and more of fruits and vegetables.
  • Wash your hair 2 or 3 times a week and not more to maximize the moisture and use mild shampoo which is alcohol free. Dilute your shampoo in water then apply to your scalp and avoid using it directly. 
  • Comb your hair when its dry and avoid combing when your hair is wet. Use a wide-tooth brush or comb. Avoid brushing too-hard.
  • Allow your hair to air-dry, or gently massage it with a towel to quicken the process. Do not blow dry your hair.
  • Stock up on oils. Coconut, olive, jojoba, almond, and argan oil are good to keep your hair healthy.
  • Avoid washing your hair in very hot water. Use warm or cool water for hair wash to avoid the damage to hair.
  • Avoid too much heat from tools such as the hair straightening irons and curlers this winter. 
  • Don’t go outside in winter with wet hair.
  • Cover your hair with scarf or hat before heading outdoors.
  • Trim your hair regularly be it short or long. Trimming hair keeps it in good condition and also lessens chances of split ends.