There are several reasons for knee pain such as sudden injury, knee stretch, or an underlying condition such as arthritis. Treatment will vary depending on the cause. Symptoms of knee injury are knee pain, swelling, and stiffness. In this article, you will learn Do’s and Don'ts for Knee pain.

The following exercises will help in increasing the circulation in your legs and feet as it important for preventing blood clots, they will also help in strengthening your muscles and improve knee movement.

There are different types of arthritis that can occur in your knees. The most common type is:

  • Osteoarthritis(OA)
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Post-traumatic arthritis

Do’s for Knee arthritis:

  • Do exercise daily: Regular cardio exercise strengthens the muscles and increases the flexibility of your knee. It includes walking, swimming, water aerobics, stationary cycling.
  • Do use “RICE”: Rest, ice, compression, and elevation are beneficial for knee pain which is caused by minor injury. Give rest to your Knee then apply ice to reduce swelling, wear a bandage to keep your Knee elevated.
  • Do consider acupuncture: It is a Chinese practice of inserting needles in specific points on the body to change the flow of energy.

Don’ts for Knee arthritis:

  • Don’t overlook your weight: Overweight has a negative impact on your knee; losing weight reduces stress on your knees. Smaller changes in weight can make bigger differences.
  • Don't be shy in using a walking aid: A crutch can decrease the stress of your knee. Knee splints and braces also help you to stay stable.
  • Don't let your shoes make matters worse: Doctors always recommend special insoles that you fix in your shoes. It will reduce stress on your knees. Take advice from the doctor to find the appropriate insole.
  • Don’t risk a fall: A unstable Knee can cause more knee damage. Use handrails on staircases or sturdy ladder to catch something from a high shelf.
  • Don’t rest too much: Stick with a daily exercise program because too much rest can weaken your muscles, which can worsen joint pain. If you don’t know how to do exercise then take advice from the doctor or therapist.