Dengue is one of the common fevers caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. As per the government statistics of 2016, approximately one lakh and thirty thousand people were affected from dengue. And out of those 300 people died. Approximately 70% of cases are not even reported in our country so you can just imagine how much Dengue is prevailing.
Sign symptoms of dengue:
Presence of High fever, rashes, and headache (the “dengue triad”) is characteristic of dengue fever. The symptoms of the disease usually appear 3 to 15 days after the mosquito has bitten. It starts with fever for three to seven days with severe pain behind the eyes and headache. The symptoms also include muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite and swollen lymph nodes.
On 5th day of fever, dengue rash appears all over body, itching increases and platelets fall in number. Below image show the rashes that you can see in a Dengue Patient.
On the basis of Sign Symptoms, Dengue fever is divided into 3 types on the basis of DENGU TYPE
- Dengue Classic fever : Headache, fever, Eye pain, Rashes . Not to worry, maximum number of people get relief under this category
- Dengue Hemorrhagic fever : High-grade fever, Excessive bleeding, platelets fall in number and 5-10% chance of death
- Dengue shock syndrome : Blood pressure drastically low, massive bleeding, shock condition. Death can happen in most of the patients suffering from DSS.
Mode of Transmission: Dengue fever is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes Aegypti mosquito infected with a dengue virus. The virus is of 4 types: DEN1, DEN2, DEN3, DEN 4.
Dengue mosquito mostly breeds in clean water, tyres, flower pots, water coolers and fresh water containers.
NOTE: An Interesting fact is that only female Aedes mosquito bites humans and cause dengue, not the male mosquito. Dengue transmits from mosquito to human only and not from human to human.
Diagnosis:3 kind of testing to diagnose: a) NS1 Antigen in blood b) IgM antibody in blood c) IgG antibody in blood. Two methods are available. ELISA base method and Kit base method. ELISA base method is more reliable and therefore the recommended method.Kit base method is common in rural areas and small centres but it is not a reliable method.
Dengue prevention:
- The most important step you can take to prevent dengue is protection against mosquito bites. Eradication or control of the mosquito breeding sites is necessary to prevent the spread of the disease.
- Remove stagnant water, change the water in the flower vase frequently, cover the vessels containing water and discard old items like tires where mosquitoes can breed.
- Use mosquito repellent and use mosquito net around the bed. Pour one teaspoon of Kerosene in a big container to form a layer over water so that dengue mosquito can’t breed.
- Change your cooler water on a daily.
- Eliminate the mosquito vector using the indoor sprays. When outdoors, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into socks.
- Fogging method is an effective method. Ensure Municipal committee of your area from time to time makes use of fogging to stop transmission of the disease.
- Because dengue fever is caused by a virus, there is no specific antiviral to treat it. Antibiotics are also not indicated for dengue fever.
- Papaya leaf extract is an effective treatment to treat dengue fever.
- Take citrus fruits as well.Goat milk contains selenium and high protein content. It is helpful in dengue but is not necessary treatment.
- High carbohydrate diet usually 2000-2500 calories and protein rich diet is recommended.Fluid intake (oral rehydration) at least 5 litres is important.
- Take Green leafy vegetables, pomegranate Juice as it is rich in vitamin C. Kiwi has high vitamin C so is helpful but other vitamin C containing foods also has the same effect.
- Platelets transfusion is only required if platelets are less than 10000 in number. Admission to an intensive care unit is suggested for patients with Dengue Shock Syndrome.
- Bed rest is necessary for patients with Symptomatic Dengue fever.
Stay Safe & Away From the Dangerous Bite of Dengue Mosquito!