A Cough is a common reflex action that clears the throat of mucus or foreign irritants. Coughing to clear the throat is typically an infrequent action, although a number of conditions can cause more frequent bouts of coughing. There are many different types of a cough due to various causes such as bronchitis, asthma, allergy, COPD that are prevalent during winter – Tickly coughs, dry coughs, chesty coughs, croupy coughs – but they all have one thing in common that they cause distress and discomfort to the sufferer. They lead to irritability, sore muscles, and lack of sleep.
Whatever be the cough type, homoeopathy offers a safe, rapid and natural solution without any side-effect, but taking any general homoeopathic cough medicine wouldn't help as homoeopathy is an art of individualization and requires expertise.
Let us take an example -- If two children of the same family start coughing due to the exposure of dry cold air in winter but one child coughs only at night while lying down and feels better by taking warm drinks, sweats profusely and thirsty whereas the second child coughs in the morning, desires for cold things and thirst is reduced, then as per homoeopathic principles, these two children are calling for different homoeopathic remedies and the selection of medicine is strictly based on location, sensation, causation, modality, and concomitant.
So, there can’t be any specific remedy and the selection of dose, potency is based on age, severity, chronicity, and the sensitivity of the patient. Every dose and potency unfolds different layers of disease and requires physician’s expertise in selecting the individualized remedy. Exact dose and potency would not only relieve the ongoing coughing episodes but also enhance the patient’s immunity in a way that would eventually reduce the susceptibility of falling sick with every change of weather.
So, warm up to cold and cough these winters with homoeopathy!