Correct Your Posture in Standing

Once all the musculature in the body has been functionally introduced systematically, we will now effectively be able recruit the functional use of the transverse abdominis.  Now that the hip flexor musculature is no longer dominant, significant gluteal activation will no longer be necessary.  The main reason we applied gluteal activation in the initial phases of the standing bridge, was to trigger a response in the hip flexors to elongate.  

At this stage, so much repetition has been put in place that this reaction will now become an innate response. The transverse abdominis will now become the dominant muscle to keep the body working as an integrated system. To emphasize the musculature in the TVA, it is best to focus on drawing the navel toward the spine, simultaneously expanding the rib cavity.  


1. THORACIC ACTIVITY Now that the thoracic region of the spine has been conditioned towards efficiency, the body will automatically elicit effective postural function innately. To ensure the maintenance of thoracic activity, use a very slight retraction in the scapulae, without moving the elbows backwards.

2. GLUTEAL RELAXATION After the standing bridge has been applied to its full extent, the musculature in the pelvic floor will now be operating as an intrinsic system. For the majority, this region of the body should act as a dynamic system and the body should wire in tension when it is needed. Getting to this point might take some time as the hip flexor complex will be the resistance keeping this system from functioning on an innate frequency.

3. INTRINSIC CORE STABILITY This may be the only region of the body that will need conscious activation for postural maintenance. Since we are putting our attention towards using the transverse abdominis for spinal stability, we will be able to get great effect in applying this into reality. For optimal function of these internal core muscles, draw the navel towards the spine while simultaneously expanding the rib cavity. This will ensure we do not re-associate upper abdominal recruitment patterns with our core functionality.

4. TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS This is the primary muscle we will want to put focus into when applying the dynamics of posture into reality.