Pregnancy brings a new meaning in the life of a woman. It is period of immense joy coupled with excitement. The feeling of carrying little soul within you is magnificent. If you are expecting a little angel soon, this article will help you in a true sense. Ayurveda has described each and every minute detail of your pregnancy. How to conceive, when to conceive, what to eat during pregnancy, what not to eat, what should be the regimen for a normal delivery?? All the questions are beautifully answered in our ancient texts of Ayurveda. Now this article is basically on pregnancy diet so let’s see what is in store.

What to eat during pregnancy?

Dietary regimen in pregnancy is one of the most essential aspects which should be taken care of; as the growth of the baby solely depends upon the health and nutrition of the mother. According to Ayurveda the Ahara-rasa i.e. nutrition or energy obtained from the mother’s diet serves three important functions, firstly nourishment of the mother herself, nourishment and growth of the baby, and lastly preparation for formation of stanya, i.e. breast milk. There is an increased need of balanced diet with good nutritional value during pregnancy, any negligence or deprivation in nourishment may affect physical and mental growth of the baby or either lead to miscarriage, premature delivery or an underweight baby. 

Some basic dietary rules should be followed such as:

  • Having timely meals is essential, it helps in proper digestion and keeps mother healthy. ·       
  •  Mother should have freshly prepared warm food which is easily digestible and healthy. ·       
  •  It should be a balanced diet providing necessary nutrition for mother and baby. ·       
  •  Monotonous diet like eating only chapati or only rice does not provide proper nourishment to the baby and leads to developmental anomalies. 
  • Dietary supplements like fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and ghee should be consumed regularly in desirable amount.

Ayurveda recommends to include few things in diet corresponding to month of pregnancy which adds to the healthier development of the fetus.      

1.  First month – A pregnant woman should have at least 2 glasses of milk everyday throughout the pregnancy, but particularly in first month milk should be consumed necessarily. If complaints like nausea, vomiting is present milk can be flavored with Elaichi, Shatavari kalpa, or milk masala containing almonds, cardamom, dry ginger, etc.

2.  Second month – It is suggested to take milk medicated with sweet herbs like shatavari, bala, etc. Adding 2 tsps of Shatavari kalpa to glass of milk will serve the purpose.

3.  Third month – The third month regimen explains adding honey and ghee to milk. One should keep in mind that honey should never be subjected to heat hence milk should be of room temp or lukewarm. Another fact is honey and ghee together should always be taken in unequal quantity. You can mix 2 tsps of ghee + 1 tsp of honey to a cup of lukewarm milk.

4.  Fourth month – The fourth month regimen recommends intake of fresh unsalted butter (white butter or Makkhan) with milk. The quantity described is 12 grams per day.

5.  Fifth month – Fifth month regimen suggests increased intake of ghee alone or along with food. Where ever ghee is mentioned it means preferably cow’s ghee.

6.   Sixth month – Ghee should be added to Milk medicated with sweet herbs like Liquorice, Shatavari (should be taken early morning at empty stomach).

7. Seventh month – Sixth month regimen should be continued in seventh month.

8.  Eighth month – Sweet gruel (kheer) prepared in milk proves beneficial if eaten in this month. You can have gruel made of rice, sooji, wheat vermicelli,etc. along with added ghee. Gruel should be taken once a day.

9.  Ninth month – Anuvasana Basti (oil enema) with medicated oil should be administered in the last month. It enables the foetus to acquire its normal position and help in attaining favourable conditions for normal labor. 

You must be wondering why Ayurveda has advocated so much use of ghee.  

  • Cow Ghee - Pregnant lady requires around 350 to 450 extra calories per day (actual whole requirement is 1800 to 2500 calories per day). Around 1 tablespoon of Ghee gives you 112 calories. So if you take 3-4 tablespoon of ghee in a day you can at least meet the additional requirement of the body.  Ghee is the best internal oleation agent; it provides internal lubrication to the body along with softness. Ghee builds up strength and stamina of the mother, develops mental abilities like increased concentration, quick grasping, memory recalling, etc of the baby. 
  • Makkhan or White butter - It helps to add glow to mother & baby’s skin texture, prevents constipation and keeps complains of piles and fissures at bay.
  • Milk - Pasteurized milk should be taken at least twice a day with Shatavari kalpa, this not only provides energy and calcium but also is a good source of vitamin A & B, promotes foetal growth and helps to generate ample amount of breast milk postlabor.
  • Honey – it builds up intellect, skin color & texture, is good for eyes, maintains equilibrium of doshas, sharpens memory and reduces morning sickness.
  • Saffron – Saffron taken with warm milk and ghee enhances skin color and texture, and strengthens heart of the foetus.
  • Fruits - All fruits except Papaya and Pineapple can be taken in moderate amounts. They provide vitamins, and minerals necessary .
  • Dry fruits - Almonds and walnuts are very good for the development of eyes and brain respectively. Black raisins and dried figs are rich in calcium and are very good in getting rid of constipation.
  • Jaggery - It is an excellent source of iron, calcium and energy.
  • Coconut water - It  is a very good source of  minerals. It also helps in improving levels of amniotic fluid.

Ayurveda has also listed the side effects of excessive intake of some taste like:       

  • Sweet taste: Excessive intake of sweets,chocolates, cakes etc. Baby can develop Diabetes or can be dumb or obese. 
  • Sour taste: Excessive intake of pickles, tamarind etc. Baby can develop hemorrhagic tendency, or may develop skin diseases.      
  • Salty taste: Excessive intake of Papads, Salted butter, Salted Chips etc. Baby suffers from loss of hair and greying of hair at early age.       
  • Spicy food: like Schezwan sauce, chilly sauce,green chillies in abundance etc have babies suffering from low birth weight and weak stature.    
  • Bitter taste: Like coffee, cocoa etc. have babies with developmental anomalies.      
  • Astringent taste: Artificial colours,preservatives etc. have babies with dark complexion, and have gaseous troubles often. 

Avoid frequent in take of bakery products, frozen or canned foods, packaged fruit juices, junk foods like pizza, burgers, noodles, Chinese food, fermented foods, stale food, cold drinks, aerated drinks, chips, non-veg. Avoid usage of additive colors, spicy and salty foods. So would-be mothers follow this healthy Ayurvedic diet regimen and benefit yourself and your baby not only with good health but also superior brain.

Happy Pregnancy!