Asthma or bronchial asthma is a condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrowed swelling and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe. 

Asthma can be a major problem that interferes with daily activities and may lead to a life threatening asthma attack. 

Main Causes of Asthma

Environmental and genetic factors -

Exposure to various irritants and substances that trigger allergies (allergens) can cause Asthma. Asthma triggers are different from person to person.

Examples of substances causing asthma:

1. Airborne substances, such as pollen dust mite, moulds pores, pet dander particles of cockroach waste.

2. Respiratory infections, such as the common cold

3. Physical activity (sex, exercise induced asthma)

4. Cold air, rainy weather, near sea.

5. Air pollutants and irritants such as smoke

6. Certain medications including beta blockers, aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen

7. Strong emotions and stress

8. Sulphites and preservatives added to some types of food, sand beverages including shrimp, dried fruits, processed potatoes, beer and wine

9. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat.

Risk factors of Asthma

1. People are having more risk to asthma when a blood relatives are also suffering with asthma (parent or sibling)

2. Having another allergic condition, such as atopic dermatitis or allergic rhinitis (hay fever)

3. Being overweight 

4. Being a smoker

5. Exposure to second-hand smoke 

6. Exposure to exhaust fumes or other types of pollution. 

7. Exposure to occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in farming, manufacturing 

Asthma signs and symptoms include-

1. Shortness of breath 

2. Chest tightness or pain

3. Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath, coughing or wheezing 

4. A whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling (it is a common sign of asthma in children).

5. Coughing or wheezing attacks that are worsened by are respiratory virus,  such as a cold or the flu.

Complications of Asthma or How Asthma affects you

1. Signs and symptoms of asthma generally interfere with sleep, work and recreational activities. 

2. Sick days from work or school during asthma flare ups

3. Permanent narrowing of the tube that affects how well you can breathe 

4. Emergency hospitalization for severe asthma attacks. 

5. Side effects from long term use of some medications used to stabilize severe asthma. Proper treatment of asthma makes a big difference in preventing both short term and long- term complications. 

Homeopathic Management and Treatment of Asthma

Conventional treatment includes bronchodilator inhalers, steroid inhalers with so many side effects. Homeopaths suggests highly diluted natural medications. In Homeopathic medicine, the goal is to treat asthma  with a minimal dose that can result in symptoms like asthma.  Homeopathy medicines increases the body's natural defences or immunity to fight against all triggering factors. 

Care to be taken during asthma attacks-

Contact your doctor 

1. If you think you have asthma

2. To monitor your asthma after diagnosis 

3. If your asthma symptoms get worse

4. To review your treatment- asthma often changes over time, meet your doctor regularly to discuss your 

Homeopathy medicines for Asthma are

Blatta orientalis, Ipecacuanha, Lobelia inflatable, Antimonium tartaricum, Sambucus nigra, Natrum sulph, Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum