The term sexology is heard very often. But we treat it as a hush-hush affair. Normally, people don’t want to discuss this problem in public and they suffer silently. But in the modern age, it is not necessary to suffer in silence. You can consult a sexologist. Before consulting a sexologist, we must know what sexology is. 

Sexology is nothing but the study about human sexuality including behaviors, function and sexual interests. People who qualify to become sexologists are from different fields like medicine, psychology, criminology, epidemiology, etc. While doing this course they will study about paraphilia, sexual activities, puberty, child sexuality, sexuality among elders, sexual development, a typical sexual interest, and many more topics. The sexology also covers sexuality among the mentally and physically disabled. Sexologists will deal with all kinds of sexual disorders which also include erectile dysfunction, anorgasmia, pedophilia, etc. Hence, it is ideal for people who are suffering from sexual problems to consult a sexologist.

Importance of Sex

Sex is mandatory for any human being.This helps in the lineage of families. The love would not have grown even between our parents and partners without sex. It is the most important activity post anyone’s marriage and satisfaction of sex is quite important for a happy and peaceful life. According to a study, 3 out of every 5 males are suffering from asexual deficiency which will make their sexual life hard and unsuccessful. Apart from this, it is pathetic to know that most of the men don’t know about their sexual problems.

Diseases like impotence are a very serious problem. People who suffer from this disease cannot erect during sexual intercourse. The reason for the same could be several. But mostly it is because of the weak nerves as well as hormonal imbalance. 

When you are happy, your family will also be happy.