There are different methods of contraception, including:

  1. Long-acting reversible contraception, such as an implant, or an intra uterine device
  2. Hormonal contraception such as contraceptive pills – “the pill”, the injection and vaginal rings
  3. barriers methods, such as condoms and diaphragms
  4. Fertility awareness
  5. Emergency contraception
  6. permanent contraception, such as vasectomy and tubal ligation.

Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is a contraceptive that lasts for a long time. You don’t need to remember it every day or even every month.

  • an intrauterine device (IUD) that lasts five or more years
  • an implant under the skin that lasts either three or five years.

These types of contraception last longer so are more effective at preventing pregnancy because you don't have to worry about forgetting pills or a condom breaking or coming off.

They are “fit and forget” contraception.


“The Pill" is one of the most popular contraceptive methods The Pill comes in two forms:

  • combined oral contraceptive pill
  • progestogen-only contraceptive pill

Both are taken daily and are over 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when taken correctly.


Barrier methods stop sperm from entering the vagina. There are three main barrier methods of contraception:

  • male condoms
  • female condoms
  • diaphragms.

Condoms protect against sexually transmissible infections (STIs) as well as unwanted pregnancy.

A diaphragm (with spermicide) is inserted into a woman’s vagina before intercourse. It must always be used with spermicide.


Fertility awareness is recognising the signs of fertility in a woman’s menstrual cycle. It can be used to understand your own menstrual cycle, plan a pregnancy or avoid a pregnancy.

Knowing when you ovulate (release an egg from your ovary). Avoiding intercourse during ovulation periods and knowing your safe days also helps in avoiding pregnancy.

For a regular period of 28 days, it is considered that ovulation takes place in mid of the cycle and day 8th to 19th days are considered fertile days.  If your menstrual cycle is irregular, the success rate of this method decreases drastically.  


We have two options for emergency contraception - the emergency contraceptive pill (ECP) or a copper IUD.

Emergency contraception can be used to prevent pregnancy after you have had sex when:

  • you haven't used protection
  • your normal contraception fails e.g. condom splits
  • you have missed more than one contraceptive pill
  • you have been vomiting or had diarrhoea while on the pill
  • you have been forced to have sex without contraception.

Permanent contraception is sterilisation that permanently prevents pregnancy. The procedure for men is a vasectomy and for women it is tubal ligation.