Hip/femur external rotation is another very common association found with people when they attempt functional gluteal activation.  Excessive hip/femur rotation is one of the most influential yet overlooked elements of muscle imbalance by structural integration specialists. This dysfunction will highly impact the body’s capability to rotate transversely as a result of a disconnect happening between the adductors and hip internal rotators.  

The adductors will be the structure that directly integrates the Anterior Oblique System to the lower body.  As the feet and knees point outward, it puts the adductors in a state of weakness, effectively setting the foundation for a flimsy and imbalanced lower body.  The reason this dysfunction exists stems from the hip flexor complex.  

When the hip flexors create inhibitory responses to the gluteals, they will be incapable of working from their primary efficient functions.  Although the hip flexors inhibit the glutes it won’t be 100 percent.  This means the gluteal structures will still function, just on frequencies that are foundationally weak.  If we analyze the gluteus maximus in this context, it will operate at its full efficiency when it is extending at the hip.  

If this muscle is disrupted, it will then rely upon its secondary function to initiate a contraction.  The secondary action of the gluteus maximus is the hip external rotation. The way to spot this when attempting a standing bridge with feet pointed straight forward will be how the knees move when the glutes are engaged. The most common reaction found is an outward rotation of the knees.  If this is the reaction your body has upon gluteal engagement, it is likely your glutes function on their secondary action, which is an external rotation.



 When the gluteal systems are not capable of operating on their primary function, due to the hip flexors restricting movement, they will now have to activate on a secondary action. In this situation, external hip/femur rotation. As a result, we will notice the knees pointing outward in response to the femurs externally rotating.



Adductor weakness during a posterior pelvic tilt will influence the outward rotation seen in the knees.