This year India will celebrate its 70th Republic Day. It is on this day the Constitution of India came into effect. The Indian Constitution includes steps that the nation needs to take to make India a better place. So, as the nation takes step towards making the country better for all of us, let us bring a positive change within ourselves by knowing following ways to achieve good mental health and wellbeing.

Get adequate sleep

India being a rapidly growing economy, we are largely a sleep-deprived nation. Although some of us may consider lack of sleep a badge of honor, but poor sleep is an important contributing factor for mental illness like depression and anxiety disorders. Sleep is first thing to get disturbed in any mental illness. The best ways is to follow consistent bed time and awake time, restrict daytime sleep hours, stay away from screens, social media, etc especially in the late night hours, and regular moderate physical exercise. These are some simple steps to ensure sleep hygiene.

Exercise more

The benefits of moderate exercise in depression is found to be as effective as antidepressant medications. Individual suffering from mental health problem may find it difficult to exercise. It may not be always a joining gym or training weights – but just do walk! Exercising not only improves your sleep but also helps you in staying more relaxed. It can boost your self esteem and body language.

Invest in a Hobby

Reward yourself by doing activities which you enjoy. Hobbies not only promotes a sense of pleasure but also helps you to build mastery in something. It gives you a sense of achievement and feeling of self worth. Take up a hobby that helps you feel good about yourself. As you get better at it, your self esteem will also get a boost.

Keep away from your smartphone

Social media feeds not only makes you feel anxious but also make you feel more depressed. You invariably tend to compare your life to those who are having wonderful times. Their life always looks better when you compare yours with them, and it makes you feel depressed. Take a social media holiday. Even it is for small times, take breaks from your smartphones. Decide to check feeds once every three to four hours instead, and stop altogether after 6 pm. Most importantly, stop constantly comparing yourself to others.

Start to plan your day

Getting overwhelmed by work, can make you feel anxious and burnout. Plan your day or week by writing it down on paper the to do tasks. Make a log and track the time it takes. Having a plan will prevent you from constantly thinking about your day. With a planner, you are on track and have a sense of accomplishment.

Finally, help others. It is a great way to connect with other people and cultivate relationships. Be grateful. Practice gratitude by reflecting on the good things in your life. Give yourself a break, and be nicer to yourself.