The reason most people get addicted to smoking is a chemical called nicotine that is found in tobacco. Any form of tobacco use (chewable or smoking) is harmful to health. 70% of people try to quit smoking, but only 3% can quit just like that. Others struggle because of the addictive nicotine. Nicotine is 1000 times more addictive than cocaine!
How to quit smoking?
- Select a quit date: 1-2 Weeks away for getting ready to stop. Reduce the number of cigarettes day by day.
- Make a list of reasons why you want to quit.
- Keep a track on where, when and why you smoke (association with tea, lunch etc)
- You can use nicotine supplements (gums, pastilles) to replace cigarette.
- Course of medications are available to help you quit (they prevent withdrawal symptoms, makes quitting smoother and easier).
- Get the benefits of health within 24hrs of quitting.
Benefits of quitting:
- Within 20min your heart rate begins to normalize
- Carbon monoxide levels drop to zero within 12hrs
- 2-3 weeks, blood circulation and lung functioning will improve
- In one year risk of heart disease reduces by 50%.
Quitting smoking is a process, it takes time and you might require continuous support and monitoring .You will also benefit from the behavioral counseling. Seek professional help if necessary.