We all know when the temperature drops, our weight does the opposite. The slowdown in physical activity and a winter diet of fatty, sugary foods are the main reasons we gain weight in winter. Weight loss isn't that tough when you adopt the right strategy, which includes choosing what you eat wisely. 

Here is a list of 12 foods that can melt fat this winter. Each one blasts fat with the perfect combination of fiber, protein and heart-healthy nutrients. Pick your favourite ones and make sure to share this list with friends and family as well!

Foods that can help you lose weight during winters:

1. Hot Green Tea: Just as the weather is too cold, if you can drink 2-3 cups a day, you may actually not only warm up but speed up your metabolism and even burn more calories. 

2. Roasted Brussels sprouts: They're excellent weight loss foods as they are loaded with fiber and detoxifying agents. 

3. Apples: Nature's perfect winter weight loss foods are apples. Eat them raw, sprinkled with cinnamon or baked as a seasonal treat. Enjoying an apple before a meal decreases total caloric intake at that meal. 

4. Dried Plums: These are one of the best natural constipation remedies. A serving of 4-5 dried plums gives 3 gms of fiber which is good for enhancing satiety, lowering cholesterol and regulating blood sugar levels.

5. Kiwis: This sweet-tasting fruit contains a natural enzyme which aids in digestion by breaking down protein in the body. 

6. Fennel: It helps case gas and bloating that make the stomach look distended. It is also a good source of potassium to help restore normal fluid balance. Try slicing it raw into salads or for a unique flavour, add salt and pepper and lemon juice. 

7. Mushrooms: Winter is the best time to saute them into a tomato based sauce or roast them until crisp to add as a topping to tasty salads which will keep your belly fat trimmed due to their very low fat and caloric count and super nutrient profile. 

8. Brown Rice: To keep it healthy, stick to a fist size portion in your meals. 

9. Pistachios: Pistachios are the perfect flat belly food which have a winning combination of protein, fibre and healthy fats to keep you satisfied throughout the day.   

10. Dark leafy greens: Their antioxidant packed powerhouses are perfect to toss into soups, stir-fries and more. 

11. Baked or roasted potatoes: They are very low in fat, high in satiating complex carbohydrates and fiber that helps you stay lean and satisfied with delicious and comforting sweeteners. 

12. Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain the magical combination of water and potassium which brings on an instant flat stomach by flushing excess sodium, water and bloat from your body and belly. Plus they are fiber packed and super low in calories, so you can eat a lot of them without gaining weight.  

So, you see how winter binging may easily cost you a weight gain of two to four kilos. It’s the perfect time to think about wise food choices and portion control.

Happy eating, healthy eating!