When you are planning for IVF, that does NOT mean that you can never conceive NATURALLY.
The same applies when IVF fails.
What matters is, whether you conceive, NOT how you conceive.
This lady had previous ectopic pregnancy. When she came to us at 37 years in April 2018, we found severe endometriosis with both tubes blocked and low AMH. We gave them two options
1. Laparoscopy.
2. IVF.
They were planning for IVF, but after Puja 2018.
Last week they came with positive PREGNANCY TEST but with anxious look (concerned about Ectopic again).
We did serial beta hCG in blood and today ultrasound scan revealed totally normal pregnancy INSIDE the uterus (so it's NOT Ectopic). Moreover, the heart beat has been seen.
Please pray for her.
PS- Published with kind permission from the patient