Panchakarma is the procedure for servicing the body. We regularly service our vehicle for getting its better performance and its long life. The same is about our body. It's also a live engine. It needs regular servicing to get good performance and longevity.
People come to a doctor only when they get any health problems. For just maintaining health, they do very less or will visit gyms or yoga centres etc. But not visit a doctor for that. This is a very bad scenario.
We doctors should also make aware the public for that. We should always give them a message, that we are first for maintaining their good health and secondly for curing their ailments.
And Panchakarma is the only procedure that can keep people healthy without they have to do something themselves regularly, which is practically too much impossible to most of them.
Live healthily, make others healthy, choose Panchakarma for better health.
All the best to all!