Summer is a great time for being active. Even if you live where it gets hot or humid, there are ways you can stay in shape year-round. But make sure to take precautions when you are active outside or anytime you exercise.

Healthy way of Exercising in Summers:

  • Drink plenty of water. This is very important when it's hot out and when you do intense exercise
  • Don't exercise as hard when it's hot. Take rest breaks. Exercise more slowly than usual or for a shorter time.
  • Stay in the shade when you can.
  • Avoid exercising during the hottest times of the day.
  • Wear light-colored, breathable clothes.
  • Watch for signs of heat exhaustion, such as nausea, dizziness, cramps, and headache. If you notice any signs, stop your activity right away, cool off, and drink fluids. Water or sports drinks are best. This helps to prevent dehydration and heat-related illness. Water is all you need if you are exercising for less than an hour. For longer exercise periods, sports drinks contain carbohydrate and minerals called electrolytes that may help your endurance and keep you from getting muscle cramps

Healthy Outdoor Activities:

When it's hot or humid, be active during the cooler times of day. Find shaded areas, like parks with big trees, and drink plenty of fluids. You have less chance of getting too hot if you do lighter exercise, like walking. Be sure to wear sunscreen.
  • Take morning or evening walks. Walking the dog or walking with a partner helps you make it part of your routine.
  • Go for a bike ride. Find shaded areas, and ride during cooler times of day.
  • Go swimming on hot days. This is a healthy family activity for summer.
  • Do light yard work or gardening. You'll burn calories while you keep the yard looking good.
  • Wash your car. This gets you outside and helps you burn calories. Give yourself a splash to stay cool.

Healthy Indoor Activities:

  • Go for walks at the mall. To count your steps, buy a pedometer from a sporting goods store. You can set walking goals to help you stay motivated.
  • Use light weights or stretch bands at home. You'll stay fit while you watch TV or listen to music. Lift cans of food if you don't want to buy weights.
  • Buy or rent an exercise DVD, or borrow one from the library. You can stay in shape while you stay cool indoors.
  • Go dancing or take dance lessons. Or just turn on some music and dance in your living room. This gets you moving so you burn calories.
  • Do indoor housework like dusting, vacuuming, or washing the windows. This helps you stay active while you keep your home looking good.
  • On trips, stay at hotels with fitness centers or swimming pools. Make time for a workout. Take a jump rope to use in your room.
  • Join a gym or health club. You can take classes or use machines, like treadmills, stair-climbers, or stationary bikes. Many cities have community centers that offer affordable fitness classes. If you have health problems, ask your doctor before you use machines or take classes.
  • Join sports programs in your community or at work. Many cities offer indoor sports like basketball, volleyball, and soccer.

                                          Orthocure Clinic Wishes you Healthy Summers.