
Ideal time for virechan :Octomber -December

Virechana or purgation therapy facilitates the elimination of vitiated Pitta from the body. As it is essential that the vitiated Kapha be expelled,the patient should have undergone Vamana before this is carried out .

Oleation-internal and external-and sweating are to be done even if the patient has undergone those before Vamana. An interval of atleast 15 days is necessary between the two therapies.

Virechana acts on the main domain of Pitta dosha-the stomach,especially the small intestine.

On the morning of the day of the Pradhanakarma – Virechana, the physician should examine the patient to ensure that all of the food previously eaten has been properly digested and that the patient has slept well. He/she should then be given the purgative and asked to rest.

Aragvatha ,Harithiki , Trivrit and Vacha are some of the popular purgatives. Hot water may be given,if necessary , to promote bowel movement. The sequence of discharge will be faeces first,the Pitta and lastly Kapha. Excessive bowel movement may be controlled with the same medication used for diarrhoea. The diet regimen followed after this treatment,Peyadikarma is the most important aspect of post-treatment care.

Virechana Indications :

 Bronchial Asthma

 Acid Peptic Disorders

 Skin Disorders




 Hepatic Disorders



 Hormonal Disorders-Thyroid disorders,PCOD

Contra indication :

Virechana is not recommended for patients suffering from constipation,diarrhoea,fever or digestive problems.

Virechana Benefits :

 Lightness of the body.

 Increase in appetite.

 Improved immunity.

 Improved Body Metabolism.

 Reduction of weight.

 Reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides

 Reduction of Pittaj diseases.