What are uterine fibroids or myomas

Uterine fibroid or myoma is a non-cancerous i.e. benign growth in the uterus. They are also called fibromyoma, myofibroma and fibroleiomyoma.

They vary in size, usually grow slowly, and may occur in the wall of the uterus or inside the cavity, in the cervix (the part below the uterus) or at times even on the outer side of uterus.

They are usually made up ofmuscular or fibrous tissue of the uterus and blood vessels.

Uterine fibroids or myomas are extremely common occur in 20 to 25% of women by age of 40 and 50% of women in general and are the most common cause of major surgery in women. They usually develop in women between 30 and 50 years of age.


  • No one knows what exactly causes fibroids but their growth appears to depend on increases estrogen hormone levels.
  • Because of this fibroids enlarge , during estrogen (hormonal) replacement therapy and pregnancy.
  • Also oral contraceptives are know to cause them.


Patients may not have any symptoms and doctor discovering the uterine fibroids on physical examination or ultra-sonography.

  • Excessive, heavy, irregular or prolonged bleeding.
  • Uterine heaviness.
  • Pain in lower abdomen in general.
  • Painful sexual-intercourse.
  • Bloating.
  • Infertility.
  • Abdominal lump.
  • Urinary frequency.
  • Bowel pressure with constant urging for stool.


  • Anemia due to excessive heavy bleeding.
  • Interference with growth of fetus during pregnancy.
  • Could cause problem during delivery.
  • Severe bleeding or infection.
  • infertility

Lab investigations

Ultrasound of lower abdomen.

Diet & nutrition

  • Reducing fat intake and increasing fiber intake will lessen your estrogen production and restore hormone balance, which may effectively combat fibroid growth.
  • Incorporating more citrus fruits, red onions and leafy vegetables may also be effective against fibroid growth.
  • A high-fiber diet will ease difficulty with moving your bowels.

Homeopathy can help you avoid hysterectomy

Homeopathy as a scientific system of therapeutics is based on identifying the individual as an entity and selecting the similimum according to his characteristics. In homoeopathy each individual is considered as a distinct entity with certain characteristics of his own and based on these characteristics we choose an identical medicinal picture. Sometimes, we come through remedies which seem to have similar profile but on closer observation we recognize the subtle difference which gives both a distinct identity. Thus we see that Individualization is one of the basic tenets of Homeopathy.

Homeopathy believes that each individual of any race,nationality, breed or background has some characteristic features which differentiate him from all other of his own kind. Even two twins with same environmental and genetic background have some features which differentiates them. You must have seen that in a same family too every individual responds differently to same situation, a drench in rain may cause backache in one,fever in other and headache in the third. Why is it so? It is because each of us has a different Constitution, an all together different individuality. Every person reacts to any external agent according to his/her individuality.

Fibroids are a leading cause of hysterectomy (the removal of the uterus). Removal of uterus leads to surgically induced menopause. The abrupt disruption in the production of hormones will cause symptoms that are more severe, more frequent and last longer compared with symptoms of natural menopause.

Myomectomy is the surgical removal of the fibroid while preserving the uterus but recurrences are often observed.

Homeopathic remedies tend to balance the hormones, cure the fibroids and reduce heavy menstrual bleeding.They are natural, effective, with no side effects and can be used even during pregnancy.

There are more than 50 homeopathic medicines for fibroids. Some of the most commonly used preparations include:

  • Aurum muriaticum natronatum - The sodium salt of the gold chloride decrease fibroid`s size by treating congestion and in duration of female genital organs. The woman may also suffer from depression, high blood pressure, palpitations.
  • Calcarea carbonica - fibroids in menopause with heavy menstrual bleeding Chilly, stout and slow woman, easily tired by exertion.
  • Calcarea fluorica - stony hard and multiple fibroids, fibrocystic breast disease. The woman is also prone to joint pain or bone spurs, hemorrhoids,varicose veins.
  • Phosphorus - fibroids with heavy uterine bleeding. Anemia. Tall andslender woman. Open, friendly, anxious and fearful.
  • Sepia - pelvic pain or discomfort, low back pain, frequent urinary tract infections and recurrent yeast infections, vaginal or uterine prolapse. Reserved, tired, depressed.

The length of the treatment varies depending on the size and number of fibroids. In most cases fibroid-induced symptoms such as excessive menstrual bleeding, incontinence, and urinary frequency resolve within a month or two of receiving the correct homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy is a holistic treatment , therefore the homeopathic medicine not only cures your fibroid but also improves your overall health but first of all consult with a homoeopathic physician for selection of correct homoeopathic remedy.