During summers, extremely hot and/or humid weather conditions can result in severe gastroenteritis due to bacterial infection within the stomach and intestines. The most common causes of diarrhea during summers are infections caused by microscopic sized parasites named cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis which can spread from one another in humans and even from animal to persons by contracting illness from these agents. Diarrhea can be accompanied by other ailments like abdominal cramps, loss of appetite, nausea, mild fever, weight loss and vomiting. These diseases are particularly transmitted through contaminated food and water. However, to avoid these unforeseen circumstances during summers, it is advisable to follow certain natural preventive measures which include hygienic rules that ensure better chances of remaining healthy.

Listed below are certain strategies which should be adapted to avoid the occurrence of diarrhea in summers:

  • Wash hands frequently and properly
    Spead of infection caused by viruses, bacteria and parasites is very fast in the summer, aided by sweat which provides a good medium for the germs to multiply. To ensure safety from these, it is advisable to keep washing your hands or sanitizing them at regular intervals during summers
  • Consider Probiotics
    Yogurt is a natural source of probiotics. It contains beneficial bacteria which help in restoring the microbial balance and prevent infection from reaching the intestines. Other sources of probiotics are green peas, dark chocolate, kimchi, fermentedpickles, soft cheese etc.
  • Avoid under cooked foods
    Make sure to cook foods like meat and eggs properly before consuming them as they may contain live parasites and bacteria which can result in chronic diarrhea conditions.
  • Precautions while swimming
    Swimming is a common cause of diarrhea during summers due to spread of infection caused by several viruses and bacteria which can contaminate water in the swimming pools. There viruses can be transmitted through a person’s rectum into the pool water and spread to others present in the pool. A person can transmit  infection in this manner for up to 2 weeks even after his recovery from the same. So, it is advisable to refrain from swimming for at least 2 weeks from the time you have been hit by diarrhea recently so as to protect others from getting it. As further precautionary measures, make sure to take a shower immediately after swimming and do not ever swallow pool water even by mistake. Mothers should be careful to wash the buttocks of small children carefully before descending them into the pool and never to change diapers near the poolside.
  • Wash raw foods before eating
    Make sure to wash rawfoods like fruits and vegetables properly and thoroughly with safe water before eating them as these are breeding grounds for development of bacteria which canresult in causing acute infections and ultimately diarrhea. Also, freshly cut salads and fruits should be consumed immediately. Remember you have to keep away from anything that can lead to the breeding of parasites and viruses which can cause diarrhea.
  • Consume lots ofwater
    So that the toxins and any other kind  of infections present in the body are washed off naturally. Due to constant loss of water through sweat during summers, it becomes inevitable to constantly supply fluids to the body by consuming it orally. Also drink clean, filtered water as waterborne diseases are very common in summers.
  • Opt for simple homecooked food. Avoid taking up diet fads, eating and drinking acidic foods and/or foods with high sugar content.