Depression is a mood disorder, characterized by a feeling of sadness, loss or anger that interfere with a person’s everyday life activities, but if these feelings persist and affect the quality of life significantly it is called depression. According to WHO, depression is the most common illness worldwide and the leading cause of disability.

Type of depression

There are different types of depression, some important types of depression are:

1. MDD(major depressive disorder)-  major disorder is a mood disorder characterized by a number of key features such as depressed mood, lack of interest in activities, change in weight, change in sleep, fatigue, etc.

2. Persistent depressive disorder-  DYSTHYMIA now known as persistent depressive disorder, refers to a type of chronic depressive present for more days than not for at least two years. It can be mild moderate and severe.

3. Bipolar disorder-is a mood disorder characterized by periods of abnormality, elevated mood known as mania, these periods can be mild (hypomania) or they can be so extreme as to cause marked impairment, with a person’s life, requires hospitalization, or affects a person’s sense or reality.

4. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)- Among the most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are irritability, fatigue, anxiety, moodiness, bloating, increased appetite, food cravings, aches etc.

5. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)-as the name suggests it is seasonal depression, which is related to the seasonal; it means Sad begins and ends at the same with the season, typically starting in the late fall and early winter and going away from during the spring and summer. A rare form of seasonal depression known as summer depression,begins in late spring or early summer and ends in the fall.


Some people are at higher risk factors include:

  • Life events-these include bereavement, divorce, work issues, relationship with friends and family, financial problems, medical concerns, or sadness, grief, all these events affect the mental conditions.
  • Personality-those with less successful coping strategies, or previous life trauma are more susceptible.
  • Genetic factors -having a first degree relatives with depression increases the risk of depression.
  • Childhood trauma- trauma may be mental or physical, such as having mental stress in family or any mental harassment during childhood lead to depression.
  • Some prescription drugs: these include corticosteroids some beta-blockers, interferon and other prescription drugs.
  • Abuse of recreational drugs: excess use of alcohol,amphetamines,and other drugs are strongly linked to depression
  • A past history of sexual,physical,or emotional abuse can lead to depression.
  • Chronic pain syndromes: chronic conditions such as diabetes,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,and cardiovascular disease make depression more likely.


  • Untreated depression can lead to emotional, behavioral and health problems that affect every area of life.
  • Long term untreated depression can affect your daily routine activities, your relation with yourself as well as those around you.
  • It can increase the risk of developing various addictions and habits that may be harmful to you. It may also lead to social anxiety and isolation and later on suicidal tendencies too.
  • It may also increase the risk of developing many cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack. 



  • Depressed mood reduces interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed, loss of sexual desire
  • Unintentional weight loss and low appetite
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Psychomotor agitation,for example restlessness, pacing up and down
  • Delayed psychomotor skills, for example, slowed movement and speech
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feeling of worthlessness or guilt
  • Impaired ability to think, concentrate, or make decisions
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or attempt at suicide

    Symptoms in seasonal disorder 
  • 1) Winter depression symptoms- less energy ,trouble concentrating, fatigue, greater appetite, greater need for sleep, weight gain  
  •  2) Summer seasonal disorder loss of appetite, trouble sleeping and weight loss.


The exact cause is unknown but there are several factors which triggers depression. Depression is not occur by one phenomena it includes various phenomena of life.the various factors are described are

  • Genetics - person who having a family history of depression,are more prone. Depression is not caused by a single reason it is result of complex phenomena . 
  • Sudden mishappening - if person faced sudden mishappening in life such as death of a loved one or sudden grief from any reason or sometimes may occur due to sudden and unexpected happiness.
  • Conflicts -depression is also a result of various conflicts such as fighting between parents ,or bad relationships with friends and siblings,all these various conflicts make sad and make susceptible a person for depression.
  • Abuse of any substance -about 30% of depression cases recorded due to misuse of  any drugs cause clinical depression.even using alcohol for temporary relief but it cause long term side effects.
  • Major serious medical illness - some major medical illness produce excessive anxiety or it can lead to depression due to anxiety
  • Social pressure  -some social issues also lead to depression because sometimes society criticize against the colour ,shirt height,race and other personal issues , all these factors lead to depression .
  • Abuse - if any person faced physical ,sexual or emotional abuse in past life it leads to deep impression on the mind.



  • Physical examination
  • Lab tests,such as CBC,thyroid profile
  • Psychiatric evaluation
  • Treatment
  • Depression  is a treatable mental illness,it has three components
  • Support-ranging from discussing practical solutions and contributing stresses, to educating family
  • Psychotherapy, also known as talking therapies, such as cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)Drugs ,it mainly include antidepressants. But all these are conventional treatment, homeopathic treatment is a good option for treatment  because it gives permanent cure from depression .


Depression is better managed by some activities such as

  • Stop thinking about negative thoughts
  • Try to go to sleep and get up at about the same time
  • Avoid drinking of alcohol and caffeine
  • Spent time with family friends and join the company who support you Practising regular relaxation to reduce the effects of irritating of frustrating situations
  • Keep busy in healthy activities Try to set small goals and work for it and try to achieve it Always think about happy moments and keep happy
  • Eat a healthy diet and always try to eat with friends and family
  • Do exercise daily and  yoga and meditation.


Homeopathy medicines are given on the basis of physical and mentals behaviour that’s why homeopathy is unique. 

Take medicines only when prescribed by a registered homeopath.

Do’s and don’ts


  • Find ways to handle stress and improve your self esteem - Take good care of yourself and get enough sleep
  • Eat healthy diet
  • Do exercise or yoga daily
  • Go for spending time with friends and family 
  • Get regular check medical checkups
  • Get help if you feel depressed.


  • Don’t make big life decisions on a day when you are feeling down. 
  • Do not believe in your negative thoughts
  • Avoid alcohol and unnecessary drugs
  • Avoid food you are allergic to
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks and nicotine completely