Loose motions can be defined as when there is a sudden passage of watery and loose stool. Diarrhea is a symptom of IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Loose motions may result in loss of body fluids and minerals from the body. The watery bowel movements are sometimes serious but are most common. It is very common in summers. Loss of great amount of water from the body causes dehydration. It is mostly seen in children. It lasts for 2-3 days. Many people suffer from diarrhoea once or twice every year. Loose stool causes weakness, loss of appetite, pain in stomach. So, loose motions can be treated with various home remedies.   


Loose stool can be caused by various factors. The main factors that contribute to loose motions are:-   

  • Excessive intake of food habits  
  • Fried food also affects digestive system  
  • Psychological factors like stress  
  • Excessive intake of alcohol  
  • Presence of some diseases like Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis  
  • Due to various infections by parasites  
  • Infections cause by bacteria’s which results in food poisoning  
  • Allergies due to some food which cannot be digested properly
  • Use of various medications  


Loose motions symptoms may vary depending upon the different complications. The symptoms of uncomplicated state includes:-   

  • Abdominal cramps  
  • Nausea  
  • Vomiting  
  • Uncontrolled bowel movements  
  • Watery stool  

The Symptoms of complicated state includes:-   

  • Stool dark in colour  
  • Loss of weight  
  • Fever  
  • Stool mixed with blood  


Uncomplicated loose motions can be treated by various home remedies:   

  1. Buttermilk: It is very beneficial and effective drink in pacifying the digestive system thus bringing it in a normal position. Add little amount of jeera powder, 1tsp of salt in buttermilk mix well and drink it 2-3 times a day to stop loose stools. 
  2. Pomegranate: This fruit is very much effective in relieving from a loose stool. It can be eaten in any form whether in fruit or in juice form. If a person is taking fruit than he should eat 2 fruits at least in a day. If taking in juice form than a person should drink juice three times a day.  
  3. Honey: It is a very natural home remedy which is beneficial in a lot of health problems and is effective in stopping loose stool. Take 1 Glass of water heat it for a few seconds add half teaspoon cinnamon powder and 1 teaspoon of fresh and pure honey mix well and drink it two times on an empty stomach in the morning.  
  4. Mustard Seeds: These seeds have ant-bacterial property. Take 1 glass of water put one-fourth of mustard seeds in a tablespoon of water keep it for one hour and drink this mixture for 2-3 times a day. 
  5. Lemonade: It has an anti-inflammatory property. It is very effective to get rid of loose motions. Take a lime juice put salt and sugar in it mix well and take this mixture every 1 hour.  
  6. A mint with honey: Take one teaspoon of a mint juice, one teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice mix them and consume. Take this mixture two to three times a day.  
  7. Sago: It is first soaked in lots of water then drink this 2-3 time a day  
  8. Raw Papaya: Boil raw Papaya in 1 glass of water. Drink this for at least two to three times daily thus helping in the stoppage in loose stool.  
  9. Dry Ginger Powder: Mix half teaspoon of ginger powder in buttermilk and drink it two to three times in a day daily. 
  10. Chamomile Tea: Boil chamomile flower and peppermint leaves in a cup of water and drink it three times a day.  
  11. Bitter Gourd Juice: Take bitter gourd juice two to three times a day helps in removing the toxins from the body thus relieving from loose motions.  
  12. Bael Leaf Powder: Take 25gm of powdered bael leaf, add 2 tablespoons of honey mix it well and take this mixture three to four times a day.