Protect Yourself From THESE things To Avoid Cold-Flue
- In cold and rainy season ,avoid cold drinks,cold food stuff, cold water ,refrigerated food items because excess coldness increases susceptibility of your throat and nasal mucosa towards infection
- Avoid using strong odour perfumes,deodorants,mosquito repellent liquids,mosquito repellant coils,incense stick smoke etc as those trigger allergic reaction in the body which afterwards can lead to cold,cough,fever etc.Rather use mosquito nets.
- Avoid contact with settled dust,pollution-cover nose with mask or use helmet
- Don't consume unnecessary excess water,drink according to your thirst
- Avoid bakery items,canned food as these items contain preservatives which trigger allergic reactions in the body.
- Don't get exposed to very chilled air conditioner or high-speed fans
- Avoid certain fruits such as banana,custard apple and raw salad such as cucumber,tomato .According to Ayurveda foodstuffs having excess water content increase cold and cough.
- Avoid bathing overhead(Shirosnana)
- NATURAL MEASURES TO CURE A COLD -FEVER---Take Langhana-that means avoid food if not feeling hungry.This fast help digests Aama- the toxins of fever.Drink hot water .
- Eat laja(puffed rice,sorgham,corn)
- Gargle 2-3 times a day with warm water+little salt+turmeric
- Drink hot beverages frequently
- Take fomentation
- Take 2-3 spoons of pure honey
- Take medicated tea of tulasi,dalchini,lawang,sunth,gavti chaha etc.
- If sever cold with a headache,sinusitis,then apply lep of Sunth,vekhand on forehead and nose.
- Consume milk+turmeric powder 2-3 times a day
- Take adequate rest
- If very high degree fever (above 1-2 degree F) or having a history of convulsion during high fever then only give paracetamol .Many times in fevers like dengue, the liver is also affected,so a hepatotoxic drug like paracetamol or pain killer further hampers liver function.Fever in infection is a defence mechanism of our body against the toxins produced by germs.So the fever is essential to recover from infections.Fluid balance in the fever should be taken care of.
- In Ayurveda, there are several antipyretics,anticold formulations such as tribhuvan kirti,mahasudarshan kashay,laxminarayan ras,sanshamani vati,chandrakala ras,sutshekhar etc which are safe and devoid of any side effects.
- Post viral arthralgia-many times due to Chikun gunea is a very painful condition that is observed nowadays very frequently.This can be very nicely treated in Ayurveda.
- In high-grade fever, you can apply lep ofchandan+kapur(bheemseni) on forehead
- Dont get panic if platelets go down in the blood test.If the count goes down 50000,then only think of hospitalisation.In these case, papaya leaves juice increase platelet count very nicely.
- Good food in cold and fever-radish,flaxseed,drum steak,garlic,ginger,bajari,kulith,roasted chana etc.