When your thyroid gland does not make enough of thyroxin hormone; you get this condition called Hypothyroidism.
Thyroid gland became sluggish and does not produce enough hormones.
Thyroid Gland: Size, Shape & Function
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine (hormone secreting) gland in the neck that is found on both sides of the trachea (windpipe)
The thyroid weighs about 20-25 gms in an adult. It is butterfly shaped and it consists of two lobes which are connected together by a median isthmus.
The function of the thyroid gland is to take up iodine from the foods that we eat and to convert it into thyroid hormones namely Thyroxine (T4) and Triiodothyronine (T3) and Calcitonin (which is involved in calcium metabolism).
Causes of Under active Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
Primary Hypothyroidism or Under active Thyroid can be caused due to several reasons such as follows:
Secondary hypothyroidism is commonly caused by the following:
Diagnosis of Under active Thyroid (Hypothyroidism)
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism can be established based on the results of tests done to measure the levels of these hormones in the blood.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an alternative method of treatment, based on the nature's law of Cure, namely 'Like Cures Like'
Treatment or therapies for Hypothyroidism
The mainstay of Allopathic system of medicine is to keep providing thyroid hormones artificially for the rest of the life of the patient
Complications of Hypothyroidism
If left untreated, hypothyroidism can progress and cause a multitude of complications.
Homeopathic medicines act on the immune system. When a disease invades the human body, it produces some symptoms. An ultra diluted homeopathic medicine prescribed as per symptoms and diagnosis produces in the human body a drug effect that activates the immune system. The activation by the medicine produces an immunity that makes it stronger than the disease, and the person is restored to health. It is due to this mechanism of action that these medicines produce hardly any side effects and leave the body stronger than they find it. On the contrary, in conventional medicine, the medicines act directly on the disease. After pathological tests, when the infection is detected, a drug is administered, which can kill the infection. These drugs, in the process of killing infections, often kill normal body cells and produce numerous side effects, making the patient weaker. In many deficiency diseases, conventional medicine proposes to fulfill the deficiency by supplementing it throughout life. As an example, in hypothyroid cases, the deficiency of thyroxin is supplemented by the administration of orally throughout life. The homeopathic approach is different. In Homeopathy, we prescribe specific medicines which reactivate the thyroid and when this occurs, we discontinue the medicines and the patient keeps well for the rest of his/her life. We have ample proof of such cases