Self Myofacial Release for KNEE PAIN IN SPORTS PERSON

The TFL is a hip flexor that becomes problematic when your pelvis sits into an anterior pelvic tilt. It originates at the anterior superior iliac spine and inserts into the upper 2/3rds of the femur where the IT band originates. When standing it cannot leverage the femur to flex upward towards the torso, so instead it leverages the pelvis to anteriorly rotate when it’s shortened and overactive. 

The tensor fascia latae will be one of the disruptive muscles to the gluteal structures on the posterior end of the pelvis.  This muscle will be directly put into an overactive state when it is in a shortened position while seated.  Since the tendons of the TFL eventually turns into the iliotibial band, it will also have a direct influence upon how the knee will function.

Releasing this hip flexor will be crucial for building balance within the lumbo pelvic region, and helping re-introduce the gluteus maximus. For people with extreme tightness in the tensor fascia latae, this specific trigger point technique will likely be very painful.  Although it might feel intuitive to avoid this type of pain, it is imperative we stay on it until the pain dissipates.  

Usually this may take between 2-5 minutes but can sometimes extend out to 10.  The key point is that the muscle tension dissipates so that we give the gluteals on the opposite end of the body a chance re-introduce muscular activation.  Often times, people with lower back problems will do this myofascial release technique and get immediate relief after a few minutes.


 (LACROSSE BALL) Positioning the lacrosse ball will be similar to putting your hand in your front pocket, if you were wearing jeans. The area your hand covers will cover the majority of the TFL. Be sure to position your arm in a position where you can rest your head on it. This will allow more relaxation in the body when applying this technique. Keep in mind this area will likely be very tender, so a tennis ball may make a smart regression to a lacrosse ball.