Calcium and fat soluble Vitamin D are important for healthy bones to regenerate.Wear and tear is more in women during reproductive years due to extra demands of lactation and pregnancy with a growing up baby taking up resources from mother.

A Recent Study has suggested that extra intake of oral tablets of calcium can be Dangerous for the heart.

Another study has suggested that 'weak' bones are related to more incidences of a Heart Failure !

Decide for yourself about How to keep both Bones and Heart Healthy.

Eat a Calcium rich food and Dairy products minus fats are Still the rich source of calcium which can be digested with advancing age.

Fresh Oxygen is as Important for bone and heart health. Keep walking regularly in a place with fresh plants with clean leaves. No need to inhale dusty air due to plants in a nearby park having dusty leaves all around.

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables are good sources of calcium. Remember that Calcium is a mineral and one needs a good supply of inherent enzymes to digest the Calcium well.

Vitamin D is manufactured by our liver and it is called Sunshine Vitamin as Sun helps to produce this vitamin.  Sun Exposure should be uninterrupted for at least half an hour, and I suggest to women to Expose their backs to sun ,it gives exposure to larger area and 'saves' the face from getting tanned !

Vitamin K , another fat soluble vitamin is present in good fats like pure ghee or butter and nuts.

Vitamin K helps Better Absorption of Vitamin D.

Besides these 2 essential vitamins for bones , calcium as a mineral ,helped by Zinc and Magnesium.

Normally around Menopause time , presumption is that every woman is prone to fractures besides having a weak heart. 

Calcium along with Vitamin D are given as a routine supplements.

Can we do without supplements ? 

If No Supplements are given--

There is risk of Fractures to bones and Risk of a Heart Failure,specially if woman is also having high BP , Diabetes and has a strong family history of Heart Attacks

If supplements are given , calcium can get Deposited within blood vessels.

Follow the middle path.

Depend more on food and less on supplements but do take a low dose if bones are found to be weak on testing .

No Need to take a Weekly Dose of 60,000 I U but one can have around 500 IU of Vitamin D per day.

Low Dose of Vitamin D supplement may be safe if taken along with fat soluble Vitamin K through good fats.

Regarding Calcium supplements ,do take but only If Tests Reveal Weak Bones.