Tips at Home: If heel pain is keeping you down, pamper your feet a bit until they're feeling better again. To relieve the pain of plantar fasciitis:

  1. Use an ice pack to reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain.
  2. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever, like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  3. Rest your feet by staying off of them as much as possible for a few days when your heels are aching.
  4. Exercise your feet. Some good foot flexing and stretches can help stretch out the plantar fascia, and make it feel better.
  5. Adjust your shoes with inserts that raise the heel and support the arch of your foot.
  6. Avoid walking on uneven walking surfaces. Ice, stretching of the plantar fascia, over-the-counter arch supports, and anti-inflammatory drugs are all easy ways to relieve pain on your own.
  7. If those suggestions don't help ease heel pain, your doctor may recommend the following treatments:
  • Wearing a special splint at night.
  • This helps by maintaining a slight stretch of the plantar fascia while sleeping.
  • Physical therapy can be done to get relief.
  • Custom shoes or inserts (orthotics).