Varicose veins means that the veins are swollen,visible and are engorged. Let us simplify blood circulation.

Left side of the lower heart called ventricle sends pure oxygenated blood to entire body.

Right side of the heart receives Non-oxygenated blood from entire body through Veins.

Lungs receive Oxygen from air and oxygen Purifies the blood.

It is a One way Traffic.

Arteries send oxygenated blood from heart.

Veins send Non Oxygenated blood from entire body to the heart for Purification.

Veins in leg get weak over a period of time. 

Capacity to send blood towards heart decreases.

Blood gets collected in veins but keep moving towards heart.

Veins are superficial and arteries are present at deeper levels.

Blood tests are done through more visible veins.

Due to standing for long hours, the veins get its strength to send blood towards heart slower.

The process of getting Varicose veins is slow and over the period of time.

But signals are visible early on.

Varicose veins are common in housewives due to standing for long hours as our kitchen mode is No More Sitting. Washing Machine, Cooking on Gas, Dishwashers, Mixer-grinders are some examples.

It is also seen in women who are running around as part of their Jobs.

Even Men who are standing for long hours do get Varicose Veins.

Example is our Traffic Policemen.

People will be able to get signs,before actual manifestation of the disease.

There is pain in lower legs,and in women water retention is also felt by sensitive women.


1) Eat less salt ( sodium) and take more Potassium through Citrus Fruits Like Juice of a Lemon with a glass of warm water and a spoon of honey added to it ( there is No Upper limit).

It is a natural Diuretic, means that it leads to more urine,taking away collected fluids as waste in the body which does Not get a Chance to come out and keeps collecting in the blood, leading to Varicose Veins.

2) Sit back and still do household chores- how ?

Innovate your own ways eg keeping a foot stool under feet while doing the household chores.

3) Yoga

Our ancestors are Apes who use 4 limbs.

How come humans have to use only 2 limbs more ?

Certain exercises help involvement of all the 4 limbs.

Do try Yoga and other exercises which involve all the 4 limbs.

Healing Varicose Veins- Some veins,especially on the leg,may become dark,purple or blue in color. They look Knotted,Twisted and Enlarged.

Any vein Can Become Varicose,but it is common in legs because some humans have to use 2 legs more than others.

It may start as a Cosmetic Problem and can get complicated with pain.

Once veins are visible,they are prone to get bleeding and treatment is-

Crepe Bandage & Or Surgery.