What is the link between ED and Performance Anxiety?

Whether due to expectations or personal worries, it is common for men of all ages to experience performance anxiety and erectile dysfunction at some point. Stress, anxiety, depression and preoccupied thoughts about sex can lead to performance anxiety. This, in turn, can lead to erectile dysfunction (ED), which is difficulty getting or keeping an erection.

What is the link between ED and Performance Anxiety?

Performance anxiety and ED may be linked in several ways.

Depression, stress and anxiety about performing sexually or pleasing a partner can cause sexual dysfunction in both men and women. When these personal sexual expectations between the couple are not met, it may lead to a progressively worse and a feeling unworthy or incapable.

Various researchers suggested that there is a clear link between a man’s state of mind and his ability to perform sexually. In men, these psychological factors such as feelings of inadequacy, low self-confidence and low self-esteem may turn into physical symptoms (sexual dysfunction), such as ED.

Various Causes of Performance Anxiety

Dealing with stress at work, in the family, couple related issues such as lack of emotional intimacy or problems with money may also influence a man’s mental state and contribute to performance anxiety. It is typically caused by negative thoughts about one’s ability to perform well during sexual activity. This may include feelings of sexual inadequacy or the inability to please or satisfy a partner.These feelings may be influenced by body image, penis size, or by perceptions about manliness or a man’s role.

How Clinical Psychologist (Sex Therapist) help you to resolve Performance Anxiety

1. Basic Psychoeducation and Sex Education- In this psychologist makes the patient to understand various aspects that contributes to performance anxiety and in turn into ED.

2. Avoid the cycle- It is essential that men understand that what they perceive as a sexual failure is a perfectly normal event.Instead of focusing on the negative outcome, it may help to identify what stressor or worry influenced the symptoms of ED.

3. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy- In CBT, psychotherapist help the patient in shifting the focus to the cause, rather than the symptoms, may help a person reduce the pressure to perform well every time, especially during times of increased stress. It may also help for a man to be open with any sexual partners about their performance anxiety. This can reduce stress, and their partner can help them find solutions to relieve their anxiety.

4. Mindfulness- It includes that focuses on the senses. Men with performance anxiety mentally relive their perceived sexual failures regularly. They may constantly worry about what their sexual partner is thinking or how they will be perceived during sexual activity.To cope with this is to focus the mind on the senses instead. During sexual activity, it may help for a man to focus on sensory experience rather than analysing the even.

5. Guided meditations, ( guided imagery therapy)

6. Couple Counselling and Sex Therapy