A typical forty-minute group hydrotherapy session may include:·        

  • A warming up with some cardiovascular content·        
  • Mobilizing exercises against the side of the pool·        
  • Fun and games·        
  • Strengthening exercises in supine and prone·        
  • Trunk and leg stretches·        
  • A cooling down with neck exercises, breathing exercises and relaxation. 


Hydrotherapy is an effective way of treating AS as it provides heat whilst

encouraging exercise. 

The warmth of water can relieve pain and muscle pain and

muscle spasm and promote relaxation. Dry-land exercises are most effective

directly after hydrotherapy.  


Physical fitness can be improved by cardiovascular exercise that increases the muscle strength and endurance as well as exercising the heart and lungs.This form of exercise can improve stamina, and enables people to pursue their work and hobbies with greater ease.Circuits in the gym should include a variety of strengthening and stretching exercises interspersed with low-impact cardio-vascular exercises such as the rowing machine and static bike. High-impact activities such as jogging and step-ups can aggravate the weight-bearing joints. Low-impact cardiovascular activities such as swimming, aquarobics, cycling and walking increase stamina and muscle endurance without aggravating the joints.

Cardiovascular exercise can also be undertaken in the hydrotherapy pool.Contact sports such as rugby and football are best avoided as the joints can be aggravated and a fused spine can be at risk from contact with other players.With increased respiratory excursion, cardiovascular exercise helps to mobilize the thoracic joints and maintain or improve chest expansion and vital capacity.Regular cardiovascular exercise has other benefits, including body weight reduction, and protection from heart disease and diabetes. It also can improve sleep, relaxation and well being. 


Keep the neck and shoulders under water as much as possible by standing in the correct depth of water. If necessary, bend knees and hips. The faster the movement is performed, the more the turbulence and therefore the greater the resistance. 

Count out loud and perform the activity at least 10 times to increase the CV content and respiratory excursion still further.

1.      Walk with big strides forwards, backwards or sideways around the edge of the pool. Exaggerate the arm swing and trunk movements. Change direction quickly into the turbulence created.

2.      Clasp the hands together under the water straight out in front and swish the arms as far round as possible to right and left.

3.      Bend the right knee and reach down to the outside of the right heel with the right hand. Repeat to other side.

4.      Hop, touching the right elbow to a bent left knee. repeat to the other side.

5.      Lump, punching the right arm forwards and the left leg backwards. Repeat to the other side.