Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata means hair loss in small, round patches any where in hairy parts of the body. The most affected part is scalp. Alopecia areata can cause tremendous emotional and psychosocial stress in affected patients and their families. Alopecia areata can progress to complete loss of all body hair.
Causes of Alopecia Areata,
There is no specific causes for alopecia areata. But some factors may consider
- Genetic factors play an important role
- There is a higher frequency of a family history of alopecia areata in people who are affected.
- Autoimmune factor causing the patient to develop antibodies to different hair follicle structures.
- Some chemicals that are a part of the immune system called cytokines may play a role in alopecia areata by inhibiting hair follicle growth.
- Emotional stress may also cause alopecia areata.
Appearance of Alopecia Areata
- The typical patch of alopecia areata is usually round or oval, and is completely bald and smooth.
- "Exclamation-mark" hairs may be seen at the margin of the patch.
- Some broken, short hairs that taper at the base.
Nail involvement
- Nail involvement found most commonly seen in patients with severe forms of alopecia areata.
- Pitting is the most common finding.
- Several other abnormalities have been reported (e.g., trachyonychia, Beau lines, onychorrhexis, onychomadesis, koilonychia, leukonychia, red lunulae).
- Fingernails predominantly are affected.
Alopecia Types and Definitions
- Alopecia Areata - Patch like hair falling
- Alopecia Partialis - Hair falling in one half side of the scalp or in limbs or in face.
- Alopecia totalis - complete falling of hairs in scalp (not baldness)
- Alopecia Universalis - complete loss of hair all over the hair (complete hair falling in scalp, face, arm pit, pubic, and limbs)
Alopecia areata can be classified according to its pattern.
- Patchy alopecia areata - Hair loss most often is localized and patchy
- Ophiasis pattern of alopecia areata - A reticular pattern occurs when hair loss is more extensive and the patches coalesce. An ophiasis pattern occurs when the hair losses is localized to the sides and lower back of the scalp
- Sisaipho pattern of alopecia areata - Conversely, sisaipho (ophiasis spelled backwards) pattern occurs when hair loss spares the sides and back of the head
- Alopecia totalis - Alopecia totalis occurs with 100% hair loss on the scalp
- Alopecia universalis - Alopecia universalis occurs with complete loss of hair on all hair-bearing areas
- Diffuse alopecia areata - Alopecia areata usually is focal; however, it can be diffuse, thereby mimicking Telogen effluvium (TE) or the type of androgenetic alopecia seen in women
Homeopathy treatment for Alopecia Areata
Symptomatic Homoeopathy medicines acts well in Alopecia Areata, Alopecia totalis, Alopecia partialis cases. Homeo medicines works well without any side effects.