Most couples who get married intend to go the family route sooner or later. However, for those who have been trying sexual intercourse for more than 6 months without any contraceptive aids and still have not succeeded in having a baby, the underlying cause may be infertility in one or both partners. Infertility affects up to 15% of couples trying to conceive and have a baby.

Infertility, in medical terms, refers to a person’s biological inability to contribute to conception. There are many biological causes that may make this happen, some of which can be medically corrected. 

The Homeopathic Approach to Treat Infertility

The homeopathic approach towards the management of health problems is constitutional. The treatment takes into account the presenting complaints - the symptoms - along with the unique physical, mental and genetic make-up that individualizes a person. Homeopathic medicines act at the roots of all ailments. They can rectify deviations of the hormonal system and get them back to normalcy. The simple homeopathic procedure effectively and efficiently avoids complicated procedures that follow the common treatments of infertility. More specifically, the complete hormonal harmony greatly increases the chances of conception without the harmful and/or painful side effects of medications, devices and invasive procedures. 

The biggest advantage of homeopathic treatment is that even after the treatment, the high sperm count is maintained. The medicines involved are easy to take, since there are only sweet pills and drops.The homeopath plans the medication separately for every individual, by understanding his or her physical, as well as emotional and mental or spiritual imbalances. That is why this system becomes an excellent option for those seeking help with this issue, as it addresses health on a deep holistic level. The homeopath carefully prescribes the medicine that works on the real cause of infertility, along with other symptoms like any type of pain, stress, etc.There are no prerequisites to start a homeopathy treatment for infertility. 

Anyone who just came to know about their infertility problem or those who have tried other infertility treatments without any results can consult a homeopath. Homeopathy medicines can also be used with other treatment methods, but the homeopath should be informed about it to prevent any interfering actions.

Final Tips For Infertility Treatments Using Homeopathy

Homeopathy therapy works on male and female infertility in following way: 

  • It regulates and balances the body’s hormones, menstrual cycle and enhances the ovulation process in females. In males, it helps to increase the sperm count, their mobility and also their morphology by naturally stimulating the body. 
  • It helps with emotional blockages, disturbances and ambiguous thought processes that may affect fertility.
  • It helps with the stress, anxiety and depression problems for those who are trying to conceive.
  • It also helps in curing the side-effects of various other fertility treatments.

The homeopathic treatment for infertility is strictly individualistic. Whatever the reason that the patient opts for homeopathy, the treatment should be supported by a healthy diet and proper lifestyle, like avoiding alcohol and smoking.