Nutritionists reveal 5 ingredients to look out for in your diet to help you:

1. Pulses/ dals/ lentils - These are storehouses of good proteins with a high amount of essential and non-essential amino acids. Since they are from plants, sometimes they are tough to release the proteins in raw forms and therefore need thorough cooking. Also, a few anti-nutrients like phytates may be present which can be easily removed by soaking and boiling.

Dals/pulses/lentils store maximum protein

2. Milk and Milk products- It goes with this saying that the grandkids are dearer than your own kids! In this context, it means that milk products like curd/yogurt, buttermilk, soft cheese (chenna/paneer) are more nutritious and easy to digest than whole milk itself. Also one can incorporate all the milk-based products in cooking to make delicious recipes. Another big benefit is that milk products are prebiotic and help the gut to be happy and healthy.

Good protein source in vegetarian diets

3. Nuts and seeds - These are stored forms of energy and protein. These are good sources of instant energy and easy snacking. Peanuts are a known source of protein and fiber and can be easily consumed roasted or in butter form. Seeds like pumpkin and watermelon can be easily used to replace costlier nuts like almonds in salads as toasted or cereals in breakfast or snacks. Seeds like chia and sesame seeds are known to be rich sources of minerals and fiber too. So go on happy crunching!

4. Cereals - They are known to give us maximum calories in our diet, but also provide us with certain amino acids as combination foods like Khichadi, porridge from amaranth seeds, or buckwheat. Now the key here is moderation and proper combining of cereals and pulses too to get good quality protein.

Certain vegetables are a moderate source of protein

5. Go for colour foods - As the name suggests, all colorful vegetables and fruits can be possible sources of protein? Well, yes they may not be complete proteins, i.e by themselves or alone but if combined with other sources of protein with higher content may actually enhance the bioavailability and absorbability of plant foods. Edamame, kale leaves, cluster beans, pinto beans, amaranth leaves, drumstick, and avocados.