In recent times we are finding higher number of kids are wearing glasses. This is an outcome of better awareness, facilities and earlier eye checkups. This is great as this results in better vision! But we are noting a skew towards a higher percentage of kids getting myopia in cities as compared to rural population all over the world, when equal or similar health facilities are available.
Some are correlating it to higher near activities as while studying, gaming, watching television, computers, tablet mobile phones and all other screens.Nowadays even schooling is done by online classes, further increasing screen time. Most of their time is spent in indoor activities at home. They are missing out on outdoors fun, the sun and nature. We are finding an increasing incidence of progressively increasing myopia (minus numbers). Our glasses numbers are also highly genetically correlated..i.e family history is often found. We can help our next generation see better by preventing there increasing numbers/glasses... getting a better vision:
1. Regular eye check-up and proper corrections. The best time for eyecheckup in all children is before 1 year of age,then at 3rd year & 5th year of life. Child using glasses should get atleast once a year eye checkup.
2. Healthy ,fresh and nutritious diet, full of green leafy vegetables and yellow fruits (avoid packaged /junk food).Only a healthy body will have healthy eyes.
3. Plenty of sunshine as it helps to maintain Vitamin D levels, which are important for healthy macula.Give yourself some sun,say 15 minutes a day.
4. Avoid excessive near activities, especially on mobile phone/tablets/computer gaming. The smaller the screen, the higher the strain and higher is the progression in glasses. These things also bring down the creativity, social skills, and often associated with attention deficit, anger and other psychological impacts.
5. Increasing natural antioxidants in there diet,which is found in dark chocolate, blueberries, raspberries and many more.Antioxidants are antiaging,& helps fight free radicals released in body.This maintains a healthy retina & good quality of vision.
6. If child is noted with a highly progressing number, discuss with your eye specialist, they may start with eye drops to slow down the progression.Some tests may be done to evaluate the health of cornea & retina.
7.Antiglare glasses are a good option if your child is spending more than 4 hours in front of screens. BLUE FILTER glasses or blue cut glasses role is controversial.There is natural blue light filters in our lens and macula.Long term effects of such glasses in young eyes,even there efficacy is doubtful !
Outdoors ,Sunshine,Healthy diet,& regular checkups with an eye specialist will keep our children seeing clear & bright .Take them away from screens,towards nature & spend time with them !!