Benefits of a Ketogenic diet:

Low in carbohydrates, the ketogenic diet takes care of many ailments and medical conditions.

Weight management: The diet is a blessing for those who are struggling to get rid of the stubborn fats. Deprived of carbohydrates, particularly blood glucose, the fats (in the liver), are broken down to provide the body with ketones (an alternate source of fuel) so that the body can function normally. In doing so, it helps the body get rid of the unwanted fats.

The diet helps to maintain the insulin level.A diet low in carbohydrates plays a pivotal role in controlling the blood sugar level.

The high-fat ketogenic diet helps to minimize the hunger pangs and food cravings, without compromising on the energy quotient.

A ketogenic diet goes a long way to treatepilepsy successfully.In addition to being a fat burning fuel, ketones are also brain fuels. Thus, the diet helps to improve concentration and mental focus.

Carbohydrates can spell doom for your skin. A high-fat (ketone) diet reverses the damage, reducing the instances of acne, skin rashes, lesions and other skin problems drastically.A keto diet brings about a significant increase in the Good Cholesterol or HDL level while lowering the concentration of LDL in the body.