Hair Transplant industry is the next big financial revolution happening in our country. The profits involved are large and the risk minimum as compared to most of the other organ transplant. It has made every Tom, Dick and Harry thinking that it is in their domain and when a complication happens such unlicensed clinics get the limelight as the recent death of a medical student post hair transplant in Chennai. The prospective patients should utilize their wisdom before making such an important decision. DO NOT FALL PREY TO CHEEKY HEADLINES AND BIG ADVERTISEMENTS. The cause of hair fall needs to be established before proceeding for a hair fall therapy and it is easily done by a clinical examination alone most of the times. In a minority of cases, where clinical dilemma happens, a skin biopsy should be performed to prognosticate the success of hair transplant. Hair transplant is mainly performed for a condition called pattern baldness. There are certain things to understand before deciding for or against the procedure. Most of us would have done a basic research before thinking of the procedure. If you have done your research & understanding and are willing to step ahead with surgery, then the surgical options of FUE and FUT has to be discussed with your doctor. There are minor modifications done in these two techniques in an attempt to increase end results but technically they fall into FUE or FUT. You can take opinion from the hair transplant surgeon or there are various websites to make you understand the same. FUE and FUT are good standard protocols with independent merit and demerits; you should discuss this during your consultation. Coming back to pre-transplant decision stage, hair transplant is not a treatment to the core cause of male pattern baldness and you must understand this. The hairs from the back of your scalp are redistributed to the front and sides to cover those bald areas. The hairs from the back of the scalp have an advantage that they are not affected by hormones which cause hair loss in form of male pattern baldness. However they do have a natural life and will die out eventually. Second the hair follicles removed from the back will not re-grow. You may have apprehensions that the areas from which hair have been plucked will appear bald but this is not true as your hair transplant surgeon does the art that even after removing a few thousand follicles, the baldness is not evident. Third, the standard medications for baldness will still have to be continued for many reasons- to increase the life of transplanted hair, to preserve other hairs and the most obvious reason that hair transplant is not a cure for the underlying pathology. It is good to have a few sessions of platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatment along with a hair transplant as they increase the likelihood of graft survival. Certain centers offer them in package and you can strike a bargain. Hair transplant centers have mushroomed in our country, so be careful in your choice of a hair transplant surgeon. It also involves good amount of cost, so discuss and understand all pros and cons. Having said all that, cases where hair transplant is needed and if done perfectly, final results are encouraging and make a huge difference to the personality. Complications in hair transplant can happen in any part of the operative procedure, during anesthesia or later but that is so for all other transplant operations as well. Discuss the same with your doctor.