What is hair fall?
Normally hair sheds daily from your scalp so that new healthy hair can grow from the root. This hair shedding is normal when you shed 50-100 hairs per day depending upon individual hair cycle and density. But if you are losing hairs more than 100 per day then it is a warning sign. You are definitely having hair fall.
Who can have hair fall?
Anyone from a 6 months old child to old age person can experience hair fall. It's just that reason for hair fall and pattern of hair fall is different for different age group, sex and disease you are suffering.
Warning signs!
You should get alert when u starts seeing your hair on pillows, comb, sinks, working station. If you feel that the volume of your pony tail or braid is decreasing day by day it is the time to consult the doctor. In males receding hair line with balding is the sign to start your treatment.
What are the causes of hair fall?
- Synchronous hair shedding- Suddenly all the hair of an infant may shed at a time and child may become bald overnight. Nothing to worry. It is a physiological phenomenon and hair will come back soon.
- Nutrition related – This type of hair fall can be seen in any age group and sex. Due to iron, protein, vitamins deficiency patient may experience stunted growth and hair fall.
- Male and female pattern hair loss- In males this type of hair loss is seen because of hormone named testosterone. In these cases, patient start losing hair from the frontal area slowly extending to crown and if proper care and treatment not taken on time may lead to complete baldness leaving only few cm of fringe of hairs at back of scalp.
- In females this type of hair loss may be seen due to hormonal imbalance either due to poly cystic ovary syndrome or androgen excess. In this type of hair loss female starts losing hair from frontal, midline and finally from the crown area. Hair line is shifted away from the forehead.
- Hair styling related hair loss- excessive blow drying of hair, hair straightening, colouring of hair all can lead to severe hair loss. So beware and think twice before using any hair styling tools.
- Stress related- stress may be of different types either mental or physical any type of stress can lead to hair loss and is called as telogen effluvium. Even post pregnancy, post any surgery you can lose lot of hairs.
- Alopecia areata- this is a condition where immune balance of the body is disturbed and patient starts losing hair in patches. Round to oval bald patches measuring from few mms to cm are seen at any part of scalp. In severe cases this may lead to loss of hair of whole body
- Disease related hair loss- many a time many systemic diseases are associated with diffuse hair loss.
- Medication related hair loss- few medicines also lead to hair loss after taking for few months. Most notorious being anti-cancer drugs.
How can you avoid hair loss?
- Healthy eating habits: sufficient quantity of fruits, proteins and vegetables should be consumed daily
- Healthy life style: regular sleep pattern, less stress and exercise will keep your hormones balanced and cause less hair fall
- Treatment of underlying cause: unless and until the cause of hair loss is not treated hair loss cannot be controlled
How can hair loss be treated?
Multiple treatments are available for hair loss. The doctor evaluates the type of hair loss patient is suffering and accordingly the treatment is given
Medical therapy
Depending on the underlying condition many times medical line of treatment is enough for hair fall
Oral tablets/capsules and lotions to apply can be used to treat hair fall
Surgical therapy
Total loss of hair follicle cannot be treated with help of medicines. Hair transplant is the last resort. We remove hair from the back of scalp which are resistant to fall and is transplanted in the front and crown area. We even design proper hair line to give it a natural look.
Newer modalities of treatment
PRP and MESO therapy are the new therapies in the basket. Here we inject the cocktail of growth factors in the scalp, which boost up the faster hair growth as well as it helps to sustain longer
GEOHAIR- is another new modality where in scalp is subjected to infra red light system boosting up the blood supply and hair growth
Invest in your hair it is the crown you will never take off!