Once a patient witnesses blood passing through his own body i.e. in stools, it is the most scary part in his/her life.
Immediately through his limited hear-say knowledge he self diagnoses to be 'Suffering ' from haemorrhoides / Piles.
And the doors of hell open up in his mind. He starts thinking that its a curse, I am going to suffer, there is no cure, he now has to be in pain throughout his life, worst of all, how can I keep this vital horrific truth away from my day to day living beings starting from his spouse
It is the fear of the unknown that is more frightening than the actual hidden fact that he is ignorant about the advances in medical sciences over decades.
What will people say, how do I save my embarrassment and my face from my peers and relatives and family and the whole world?
He loses self confidence. He does not make eye contact while having a conversation with anyone on any topic just to prevent the fact that the topic should not be diverted to his misery. He walks consciously, eats sparingly, searches for that golden remedy on the net when he can be his own super specialist and cure himself.
He wants to bury his sufferings in silence.
This is a typical haemorrhoid patient who can be spotted among the crowd easily. It is the apprehension more worry some than the actual problem, blood in his own stools. And he goes on & on & on suffering, anxious, schizophrenic, self stooped, shying away, locked in his own world - the toilet door